Following the standards of the scientific method:1- purpose clearly defined . 2- research process detailed . 3- research design thoroughly planned . 4- high ethical standards applied . 5- limitations frankly revealed . 6- adequate analysis for decision – maker's needs . 7- findings presented unambiguously . 8- conclusions justified . 9- researchers experience reflected .
What are the good element of sampling?
Reasons for sampling : practically impossible to collect data from all elements in the population .
Sampling to generalize : by understanding the properties of the sample ,it is possible for us to generalize such properties to the population .
e.g: Do the opinion of the sample about gender discrimination reflect the opinion of the population ?
Sampling design: 1- probability sampling – Based on principles of randomness . – Elements in the population have some known chance or probability of being selected as sample subjects . – Enables the researcher to use powerful statistics . 2- Non-probability sampling : - Elements do not have a known or predetermined chance of being selected as subjects . – Does not permit use of powerful statistics . 3- Decision to use probability or non-probability depends on : - Whether representativeness is important (and thus wider generalizability ) . – Time and other resources . – Purpose of the study . probability sampling : - Simple random sampling. – Systematic sampling – Stratified sampling – Cluster sampling . Simple random sampling : - Easiest to understand – Every element in the population has a known and equal chance of being selected . – Advantages : Least bias , Offers the most generalizability . – Disadvantage: Updated sampling frame Stratified random sampling : - Involves a process of stratification or segregation ,followed by random