Mockingjay Part 1, Chapter 1, by Suzanne Collins, is so far telling the story of Katniss Everdeen visiting District 12 and living in District 13. When Katniss arrives at District 12, she starts to feel sorrowful and culpable for the destruction and deaths of so many people she is seeing. Katniss goes into her old home while she was there and finds a white flower that was fresh and she thinks that it’s from President Snow. This flower obtained her attention so much, even though it was just a flower it meant more to her, something like revenge. “ it’s not just a flower, not even just President Snow’s flower, but a promise of revenge…” (15). Then, she travels to District 13, where she and all the people from District 12 have to live in now…
During the American Civil War, the Massachusetts army engages Confederate forces in a bloody battle. Captain Robert Shaw is injured in the battle and assumed lost, but is found alive by a gravedigger named John Rawlins and sent to a field hospital. Shaw visits his family, and is introduced to Frederick Douglass. Shaw is offered a promotion to the rank of Colonel, and command of the first all-black regiment the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer army. He accepts the responsibility, and asks his childhood friend, Major Cabot Forbes to serve as his second in command. Their first volunteer soldier is another one of Shaw's friends, a bookish freeman named Thomas. Others soon follow, including Rawlins and Trip, an escaped slave who is mistrustful of Shaw. The black soldiers undergo a training regimen under the harsh supervision of Sgt. Mulcahy. Forbes and Shaw argue over the training. When Trip goes out and is caught, Shaw orders him to be whipped in front of the troops. While talking to Rawlins, Shaw finds out that Trip had left merely to find shoes to replace his own worn ones. Shaw realizes that supplies are being denied to his soldiers because of their race. He confronts Kendric, and finds out that the shoes and socks were in stock but had not been given to them. Shaw continues to respect the blacks when a pay dispute which the Federal government decided to pay black soldiers less than white soldiers. Once the 54th completes its training they go on their way to join the war in South Carolina, the 54th is ordered to destroy a Georgia town and burn it by Harker's second-in-command, Colonel Montgomery. After refusing, he obeys the order and the town is destroyed. Shaw invests Rawlins as a Sergeant Major and Rawlins begins the difficult task of earning respect from both the white and black soldiers. Shaw confronts Harker and threatens to report the smuggling he has discovered unless Harker orders the 54th into combat. In their first battle on James Island, early…
-Jasper does steal, but only what he needs to survive and he only steals from people who can afford to lose it.…
Chapter four is very interesting because there is a lot of drama at the end of the chapter. There is a double homicide committed by Davy, when he kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. I don’t know if Reuben thinks his brother is a murderer. It is kind of confusing because he says, “Davy wiped his face, said, ’Well-’ then stepped over Tommy and out the door. And when did he know just what he’d done? We’ve wondered that, Swede and I” (Enger,50). In that sense, it is very hard to say if he thinks his brother was a murderer. Nevertheless, I believe he thinks his brother was trying to defend his family. He did not plan to kill Tommy and Israel, it was the moment of defending his brothers. I think Davy claim for justice. He suffered when the guys bullied his girlfriend, his family and his little sister, Swede. Justice was already served. As a reader, I was expecting that outcome. However, I never thought he was going to kill them without planning. I felt the author was very careful when he was going to describe the murder. Even though Davy was not a violent person, we can see the anger he was hiding deep in his heart. Since Davy is the oldest brother, he is the one who has more power. It is very important to be loyal with your family, to take care of them and to help them overcome obstacles. The novel explores the idea of loyalty by showing the readers how the family was…
Bruce and Bob organize Black LLC on May 10 of the current year. What is the entity’s default tax classification? Are any alternative classification(s) available? If so, (1) how do Bruce and Bob elect the alternative classification(s) and (2) what are the tax consequences of doing so?…
In the chapter The Storm of Kindred the slaves have turned husking corn into a enjoyable thing. And so Rufus gave them whiskey to help them with it. “There was no reason for me to join them, but they seemed to be making a party of the husking—Rufus gave them a little whiskey to help them along—and I needed a party, needed anything that would relieve my boredom, take my mind off myself”. So after work Rufus gave them a large amount of food which the slaves think is his way of thanking them. So things like this makes the slaves like Rufus, and dislike him at the same time.…
Incarceron Book Summary Finn is a prisoner in the infamous prison Incarceron. He cannot remember his childhood, or his life before Incarceron, but he is a star-seer. Finn can see things no one out Incarceron has. Incarceron is a prison no one can enter, and that no one can leave.…
Hay 311 lenguas que son hablan en los Estados Unidos. Some are Spanish, English, German, French, Arabic, and Italian. 62 languages are spoken in Mexico today. Some conclusions we can draw are that North America is an extremely diverse continent and that a large population speaks more than 1 language.…
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. This popular short story made its debut in 1966. Dependent upon the interpreter, this short story may seem to be based upon many different themes, although my goal is to focus on analyzing the author’s use of stylistic devices such as a recognizable setting, and symbolism that Oates has effectively implemented in this story to convey the most important theme, which is maturity and coming of age. Oates uses many symbolic devices such as; words/thoughts, relationships amongst characters, and even objects to effectively symbolize Connie’s coming of age adventure.…
The primary topic of chapter one in “A People’s History Of The United States” by Howard Zinn is the viewpoint of history through the eyes of the Indians during the time of the discovery of the Americas. He also goes on to say how in history many cruel and unjust things are left out or briefly told and immediately covered up. Many people view Columbus as a hero when they think of him. He did amazing things, he sailed the unknown and discovered new lands. But what most people don’t know is what happened to the people already living on these lands when he and other explorers showed up.…
C. Pushback stemming from privacy concerns comes in the form of people not knowing they have given consent or objecting when they discover that information about them they thought was private is, in…
Compassion/Empathy - Atticus feels bad for Mrs. Dubose. He knows she is old and dying, therefore he does not hold a grudge against her for what she says about him. He acknowledges her courage against her addiction (140, 148)…
In Chapter 7, Frederick Douglass stars off by telling us that he lived in Master Hugh’s family for about seven years. He had learned to read and write during this time, but it was not easy. There were some diversion from his teaching, like his mistress who was the only source for him to read and write was in compliance to her husband to not teach her slave anything. She was a kind and tender hearted woman who had lost her way when given the power of a slave holder. She became cruel and her heart became like stone. She would also be crueler than her husband and “she also demonstrated, to her satisfaction, that education and slavery were incompatible to each other” (Douglass 22). Slavery also proved to be harmful even to white people…
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, possibly the most popular villain in the entire Harry Potter series. Also known as Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord or Tom Riddle, many know him as the man who tried to kill Harry Potter after murdering his parents with an unforgivable spell. Throughout the first book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K Rowling, Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermione discover that somebody is trying to steal one of their professors most treasured items, the Sorcerer's Stone, it produces a potion called the Elixir of Life. The Elixir of Life makes the life of the drinker extended. At first they believe it to be Professor Snape but after further investigation they discover it to be Professor Quirrell. A pivotal moment in…
In “Part One” of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, is so far about a boy named Santiago starting out his quest in the search of his Personal Legend. Santiago is a shepherd who likes to travel and enjoys being around his sheep. Although he travels all over, there was a certain village the shepherd boy enjoyed going to sell his sheep’s wool because he liked the merchant’s daughter. The author describes Santiago recall why he decided to become a shepherd and how his father helped him by giving him three gold coins to buy his flock of sheep. The boy was happy being a shepherd; he had his sheep, a jacket and book. One day, Santiago went to a Gypsy where he tells her about a recurrent dream he has had about finding treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. The Gypsy does not give him a lot of information about his dream, but does tell him that if he finds the treasure, to give her one-tenth. Later on that day, the boy is reading his book, when an old man came by him and tried to start a conversation. When the old man finally got the boy’s attention, he tells him he is the King of Salem, and how he can find the hidden treasure, but wants one-tenth of his sheep in return. The old man also tells the boy to not give up and to go forth and search for the treasure before it is too late and he gives up. The next day, Santiago met up with the old man and gives him one-tenth of his sheep. In return, the old man gave the boy advice that would be helpful throughout his journey, and two rocks, Urim and Thummim (one black meaning yes, and the other white, meaning no), to help him read omens better. Santiago began his journey and went to Africa. While in Africa, as the author describes, the boy feels insecure because of the language barrier, but quickly entrusts in a boy who speaks the same language as he and invites him along his journey. The two boys go into the plaza, and Santiago’s new friend is suddenly…