Albanian is an Indo-European language spoken by approximately 7.6 million people, primarily in Albania and Kosovo but also in other areas of the Balkans in which there is an indigenous Albanian population, including western Macedonia, southern Montenegro, southern Serbia and northwestern Greece. Albanian is also spoken in centuries-old Albanian colonies in southern Greece, southern Italy, Sicily, and Ukraine. Additionally, speakers of Albanian can be found elsewhere throughout the latter two countries resulting from a modern diaspora, originating from the Balkans, that also includes Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Singapore, Brazil, Canada and the United States.
The two main dialects of Albanian language are Ghegs north and Tosk in the south, separated from the river Shkumbin. Geg and Tosk are branched at least a millennium , and their forms are far less mutual understanding. Geg has sub-variants are distinct, cuts which are the northern and eastern types, which includes those in the cities of Shkodra region of the former northeastren Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ,Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and the isolated village of Arbanasi to the coast of Croatia, Dalmatia. "Arbanasi" established in the early eighteenth century by refugees from the region around the coastal town in Montenegro, Bar, has about 2,000 speakers of Albanian.
The literacy rate in Albania for the total population, age 9 or older, is about 99%. Elementary education is compulsory , but most students continue at least until a secondary education. Students must pass graduation exams at the end of the 9th grade and at the end of the 12th grade in order to continue their education.
Most schools are public and financed through the government, but recently several private schools of various levels have been opened. There are about 5000 schools throughout the country. The academic year is divided into two semesters. The