Table of Contents
Introduction 3 Albert Einstein Life 3 Albert Einstein Work 5 General Theory of Relativity 7 Nazis in Power 9 Conclusion 10 Famous Quotes 10 Famous Problem 11 References 13
Albert Einstein, who many people regard him as the greatest physicist of the 20th century, was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. Was a German origin and Jewish, but he felt neither German, due to the militarized culture, nor fanatical Jew, because of their refusal to believe in God 's image as described in the texts of the Old Testament. In 1880 his family moved to Munich where his father, Hermann Einstein and his uncle Jacob Einstein opened a small electromechanical workshop. In Munich Albert spent his childhood and there he learned the first letters in a very strict school. The military discipline of the German culture in the 19th century did not seem suited to his liberal nature, for that reason Einstein doesn’t showed no particular performance in school. Along with other studies and the bossy insistence of his mother, Einstein studied music and although he played only for rest was an accomplished violinist. (8) Albert Einstein Life From a little child Einstein was very curious. His answers are always late, which worried his parents whether he had mental problems. At the age of 10 years decided that the school did not offer him anything and he joined a program of studying at home something like homeschooling, where he read as much as he could about science and philosophy. In his childhood two people impacted significantly in shaping the thinking of Albert. His uncle Jacob who inspired him revealing the whole charm of Mathematics, and his uncle Cesar Koch that he implanted him, greedy can say curiosity about science.(2)
However Einstein dealt with the physical science from a real young age. His uncle had a factory
References: 1. http://www.ei.lehigh.edu/learners/energy/readings/people_energy.pdf 2. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Albert_Einstein 3. http://einstein.biz/ 4. http://www.alberteinstein.info/ 5. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1921/einstein-bio.html 6. http://www.allaboutscience.org/theory-of-relativity.html 7. http://www.davar.net/MATH/PROBLEMS/EINSTEIN.HTM 8. Calaprice, Alice, and Trevor Lipscombe. Albert Einstein: a Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. Print.