Dr. Wernher Von Braun was a very successful scientist in the space race but most of his work was undermined because of his nazis past. He still helped the exploration of the moon meanwhile encountering a new culture and exchanging ideas with many new people. His ideas still have influence on rocket and space science today.…
Albert Brooks, Born Albert Einstein on July 22, 1947, in Beverly Hills, California. He’s the youngest son of Thelma Leeds, a singer and actress, and Harry Parke, a radio comedian. Brooks attended Beverly Hills High school and then later received an acting scholarship to Carnegie…
We have praised Einstein over the past decades for his successful inventions due to the mass of knowledge he upholds. Although, what most people do not know is that he is the reason we have atomic bombs today. After the United States order to bomb Japan with an atomic bomb, Einstein lived with regret. Einstein observed the thousands of lives taken away with his creation and the destroction it left behind. He once said that he wished he had never ever created the "atomic bomb." Like I said before how much knowledge is too much to realize that it becomes a powerful weapon,…
Albert Einstein was a Jewish, German physicist and a humanitarian. He was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. Before permanently moving to the U.S, he lived in Berlin. He came to the U.S because Germany was no longer safe for Jewish Germans. His arrival to America was received with mix feelings; some welcomed him because of his scientific work and humanitarian and political views while others rejected him for that same reason.…
Historical Question: How did Albert Einstein influence the creation and evolution of the Manhattan Project and why did Einstein’s thoughts and involvement in the Manhattan Project change throughout World War II?…
Robert Oppenheimer and thousands of other intelligent scientists worked on the development of the world’s first nuclear weapon, that was used to bomb the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending the World War Two. Soon after Japan's surrender, Oppenheimer was called into President Truman's office to discuss how the scientists and military could continue working together to make more atomic bombs. Oppenheimer tried to change the subject to international cooperation and trying to stop the arms race before it began. This was the complete opposite of Truman's wishes. Oppenheimer proceeded to say things such as,” I have blood on my hands,” which made sure that Truman would never want to see his face again. Oppenheimer made a decision based…
Lise Meitner - One of the most majorly underlooked physicists due to her gender and all of her work being credited to a man, her partner. Lise Meitner discovered fission, the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts in 1945. Although she had nothing to do with the actual creation of the actual atomic bomb, Lise Meitner was known as the, "Mother of the Atomic Bomb," due to her being the first to realize that uranium could undergo a runaway chain reaction that could be used as a bomb. She refused to work on the Manhattan project. During her life she worked on the physics of radioactive substances while heading a section of Berlin's Kaiser for 30 years. This led to the clarification of nuclear physics, which was all done…
Albert Einstein was an immigrant who had major contributions to the field of science. Born in Ulm, Germany in 1879, Einstein wasn’t always the genius we know him as today. He was regarded as almost mentally retarded while in school. Fast forward to 1933 and Einstein is traveling to America. Scared of the Nazi’s, Albert Einstein immigrated to New Jersey…
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was born April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. He was born to Alois and Klara Hitler. Hitler wanted to go to art school at the Vienna Academy of the Arts. He was not accepted both times he applied. He moved to Vienna in 1907. He was very…
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany in 1879. His notable contributions included helping to develop the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey.…
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist born in Germany in 1879. He developed many scientific breakthroughs, which impacted the world as it is today. His mass-energy equivalence formula was crowned the most famous equation. In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. The name Einstein has become practically synonymous with the word genius. Einstein once said, “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it’s limits.”. Einstein was a creative man, this led him to be such an innovative scientist. In 1955, Einstein died from an abdominal aortic aneurysm. A study of Albert Einstein shows that he was a very controversial man, due to his involvement in the creation of the atomic bomb, the possibility that he was autistic, and his scandalous personal life.…
Although he won plenty of awards in his career, the most important was the nobel peace prize. Oakes says, “When his prediction that a ray of light from a distant star passing near the sun would appear to be bent slightly, in the direction of the sun, was observed to be correct during a solar eclipse in 1919, Einstein gained international fame. In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Peace Prize in physics.” (3) Other than achieving the highest honor of the Peace Prize, he spoke at many universities inspiring many students (Ehrhardt 260). These achievements and speeches pronounced him to be named the greatest scientist to ever live since Isaac Newton (Ehrhardt 260)! He forever changed theoretical physics and is remembered as a genius because of this. The upheaval was so large he was handed his doctorate from Manchester University (Forman 75). He revolutionized the 1920’s and was an idol to all young students. He goes down in the books as the greatest scientist to ever live and will forever be…
Oppenheimer was, therefore, smart individuals were scared and mystified of his mind he was recognized by them as a researcher that is brilliant. Feynman additionally was in this way; he was shown to his co-workers that he was capable of higher accomplishments and quite sensible. Their colleagues scared for information using their capacitance. Simply couldn’t be recognized as an individual. His family was shunned in the city where he resided, although his co-workers knew him as a researcher. Oppenheimer and Feynman were taken as scientific investigators and individuals. Simply was only a researcher to be uncovered by his co-workers as a black, maybe not a being that is human.…
Although the exact year, month, and date are unknown, most accredited authorities claim that Albert was likely born the year 1193 or 1206 at the castle Lauingen, Bavaria. He was born into a house of sufficient means because his father was the Chevalier of the Royal Court otherwise known as the Lord of Boldstadt, although he was of lesser nobility. Like many notable historical figures of the High Middle Ages, not much is known of Albert’s childhood, except that he displayed an aptitude for scholarly ventures at a young age.…
Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March 14, 1879.He was a theoretical physicist and his energy formula, E= MC2, made him a world famous mathematician. Before Hitler came to power in Germany, Einstein worked as a University professor in Berlin. He was visiting the United States when Hitler took power, and decided to stay in the US, becoming a citizen in 1940. During the war he worked on the Manhattan Project, which was a project that produced the first atomic bombs. Although he worked on the project, Einstein was against using nuclear fission to create weapons.…