business premises. This is an indication that Albert loved the English language and that he was ready to encourage many people and support them learn.
The story also outlines how secretive the husband is in his work. This is outlined by the fact that he decides to secretively teach his wife on how to read and write and keep it a secret to others. He kept reminding Esene that it was supposed to be a secret whenever she altered an English word. Albert was very focused on the goals he set. This is demonstrated by the fact that he kept his wife learning even if she did not like it until she developed interest to learn. Albert kept teaching Esene even after she developed interest to ensure that she could read and write properly. He decided that she should be the one writing the cards, just to confirm that she had learnt enough.
After reading the narrative, I came to realize how things will change for Esene after her husband's death as explained in the beginning of the story. I believe Esene will have much to miss based on the support she had from her husband despite that she did not have a child. Failure to have children will make her lonelier in her life. Therefore, I believe that the story has managed to deliver its objectives on the support and love people should have in their families despite many challenges that tear families apart. Failure to have children did not tear apart the family of Albert and Esene, but Albert ensured that there is peace and love in the family. It also succeeds in explaining on the importance of support to each other. Albert supports Esene and Esene’s sisters also joined to support her when her husband died. Therefore people should learn to support others all times.