How was alchemy was discovered. In Egypt Alchemy first was noticed, Egyptians mummified people that were dead but Mummifying people was a form of alchemy because egyptians had to …show more content…
Even though most of alchemist biggest goals are still a mystery we know that alchemist were obsessed with tuning lead into gold. Alchemist were obsessed in getting rich so there were tons of alchemist trying to turn lead into gold and it has been achieved “Transmutation Circles, Transmutation of lead into gold isn't just theoretically possible - it has been achieved! There are reports that Glenn Seaborg, 1951 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, succeeded in transmuting a minute quantity of lead (possibly en route from bismuth, in 1980) into gold.”( L Gerber). Why were alchemist so obsessed with turning lead into gold “The alchemists did not regard all metals as equally mature or 'perfect.' Gold symbolized the highest development in nature and came to personify human renewal and regeneration. A 'golden' human being was resplendent with spiritual beauty and had triumphed over the lurking power of evil.” (Radford 5). So Alchemist where obsessed with gold because back in the day gold was thought to be the “perfect”