References: 1) Adamec, Christine, and Laurie C. Miller, M.D.The Encyclopedia of Adoption. 3rd ed. New York: Facts On File,2007.2) Bierut, Laura Jean, M.D. "DefiningAlcohol-Related Phenotypes in Humans: The Collaborative Study on the Genetics ofAlcoholism," Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 3 (2002):208-213.3) Grilo, Carlos M., Rajita Sinha, and StephanieS. O 'Malley. "Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorders." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 2 (2002): 51-160.4) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism. Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician 's Guide. Rockville,Md.: National Institutes of Health, 2005.5) Petrakis, Ismene L., M.D., et al. "Comorbidityof Alcoholism and Psychiatric Disorders." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no.2 (2002): 81-89.6) Prescott, Carol A. "Sex Differences in theGenetic Risk for Alcoholism." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 2 (2002):264-273.7) Wright, D. State Estimates of Substance Usefrom the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Department of Health andHuman Services Publication no. SMA 04-3907, NSDUH Series H-23. Rockville, Md.:Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of AppliedStudies, July 2004.EssayEmpire offers you the best custom essay writing services, along with term paper, thesis paper, and research paper writing help. Our company employs professional essay writers who are fully qualified in a variety of academic fields. If you require a high quality writing service that is capable of writing authentic essays, term papers or research papers because you simply don 't have the time or resources to do them yourself or maybe they seem too complicated and time consuming, you don 't need to look any further. EssayEmpire is the perfect place for all your needs. If you need high quality Essay on Alcoholism Problems, Symptoms, and Treatment at affordable prices please use our essay writing services offered by EssayEmpire |
References: 1) Adamec, Christine, and Laurie C. Miller, M.D.The Encyclopedia of Adoption. 3rd ed. New York: Facts On File,2007.2) Bierut, Laura Jean, M.D. "DefiningAlcohol-Related Phenotypes in Humans: The Collaborative Study on the Genetics ofAlcoholism," Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 3 (2002):208-213.3) Grilo, Carlos M., Rajita Sinha, and StephanieS. O 'Malley. "Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorders." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 2 (2002): 51-160.4) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism. Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician 's Guide. Rockville,Md.: National Institutes of Health, 2005.5) Petrakis, Ismene L., M.D., et al. "Comorbidityof Alcoholism and Psychiatric Disorders." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no.2 (2002): 81-89.6) Prescott, Carol A. "Sex Differences in theGenetic Risk for Alcoholism." Alcohol Research&Health 26, no. 2 (2002):264-273.7) Wright, D. State Estimates of Substance Usefrom the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Department of Health andHuman Services Publication no. SMA 04-3907, NSDUH Series H-23. Rockville, Md.:Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of AppliedStudies, July 2004.EssayEmpire offers you the best custom essay writing services, along with term paper, thesis paper, and research paper writing help. Our company employs professional essay writers who are fully qualified in a variety of academic fields. If you require a high quality writing service that is capable of writing authentic essays, term papers or research papers because you simply don 't have the time or resources to do them yourself or maybe they seem too complicated and time consuming, you don 't need to look any further. EssayEmpire is the perfect place for all your needs. If you need high quality Essay on Alcoholism Problems, Symptoms, and Treatment at affordable prices please use our essay writing services offered by EssayEmpire |