Alcohol has a long history
Humans have drunk alcohol for at least 12,000 years and it has used in the different religious rituals. For instance the ancient Romans had a god of wine Bacchus and Greeks had also a god of wine Dionysus. Cristian Communion services and certain Jewish religious retuals include wine to the present day. On the other hand wine was usual daily drink in Mediterranean countries and beer was part of the staple diet until the early 20th century in Northern countries and sometimes was more safer drink than the often-contaminated water. But for example in Islamic and Buddhist cultures alcohol is generally prohibit. In the past drinking alcohol to excess has been associated with deviant behaviour and harm.
Nowadays almost each person drink alcohol in the World. The first reason, why people drink alcohol, because it is an accepted way to unwind from the pressures of life and also for the relaxation. (TABLE) In most cases when people meet in the restaurants or cafes, they always drink alcoholic drinks, not tea or coffee. In most countries where alcohol is consumed regulary, men drink far more than women and are much more likely to become intoxicated. This is particularly true in most developing countries, where women rarely drink at all. But in some developed countries or in Western Europe, the average alcohol consumption of females more higher than among male. Furthermore number of youngsters who drink alcohol increase gradually every day. The reasons may be the increased availability of alcoholic drinks, breakdown in the lines of authority and taboos related to age, emotional and behavioural problems and early onset of alcohol use. (TABLE) Percentage of boys and girls aged 15 years surveyed in 2009 in a range of European countries who say they have been drunk 10 or more times during the last 12 months.
In addition The World Health Organization stated that in 2008, alcohol related diseases,