ENG 112-SU1
Angelina Avedano DATE \@ "MMMM d, y" October 4, 2014
A teenage years, the period that all of us went through. The time when you are a teenager is very delicate period when you structure your future life. Wherever you are living there is always an alcohol around and being under age of 21, legal drinking age in America, challenge your temptations. America has a strict alcohol limitations but the under age drinking abuse is still at high point. A teenage alcohol abuse is very common social problem today that questions an easy alcohol access for an under age drinkers, prevents young alcohol consumers from healthy body and mind development, involves poor judgement, and leads to …show more content…
other sad consequences.
In today’s society teenagers have more access to the alcohol like never before. A lot of people have a passive attitude towards teenage alcohol abuse. It prevalences number of cases when random passers buy some type of liquor for the under age drinking person. Asking acquaintance as a favor is a very spread method between under age alcohol abusers. Unmonitored alcohol in the household gives a chance to teenagers to get intoxicated. The most creative individuals may come up with creating their own alcohol. For instance, homemade apple cider, that doesn 't take a lot of ingredient to make.
Alcohol abuse is causing danger to teen’s body and mind development.
A propers brain development had been put at risk by over consuming alcohol beverages. Mental issues like depression and anxiety may exacerbate when alcohol is being consumed. Also, alcohol abuse ofter creates mental frustrations. In fact,” the National Comorbidity Survey found in 1997 that alcoholics were two to three times more likely than non-alcoholics to also have an anxiety disorder. Another study, NIAAA’s National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey, found that those with a history of alcohol dependence (even former drinkers), had a more than fourfold-increased risk for a major depressive episode than those without a history of alcohol dependence” (1) . Although frequent teenage alcohol abuse may cause a drastic body changes. The loss or even gain weigh are may be very severe, which also may lead the abuser to feel depressed,anxious or even suicidal. In fact, Alcohol is involved over a quarter of all suicides in the US (approximately 7500 per year). …show more content…
Heavy teenage drinking may cause a poor situation judgements.
Sexual assault fits this pattern. Researchers consistently have found that approximately one-half of all sexual assaults are committed by men who have been drinking alcohol. Depending on the sample studied and the measures used, the estimates for alcohol use among perpetrators have ranged from 34 to 74 percent (Abbey et al. 1994; Crowell and Burgess 1996). Similarly, approximately one-half of all sexual assault victims report that they were drinking alcohol at the time of the assault, with estimates ranging from 30 to 79 percent (Abbey et al. 1994; Crowell and Burgess 1996). (3). There are many cases of physical assault caused by drunk aggressive teenagers. Inadequate teens feel less fear and have bigger chance to engage into the fight. Statistic shows that alcohol abuse increases the rate of teen dating violence. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), "Among college students under age 21 alone 430,000 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.”(4). Moreover teen alcohol abuse have pretty high statistics with car accidents. For example, In 2004, 13.6% of all drivers involved in fatal crashes were young drivers age 15 to 20. Also, for the same year and age group, 29% of the drivers who were killed in motor vehicle crashes had been drinking. (5). These facts shows us a danger that has been created by alcohol and teenagers. In addition, theres is a life changer
cause of under age alcohol abuse. Unplanned pregnancy is very common alcohol involved case in teenage life. In most cases it ruins future born child’s life and parent’s as well. Not only young parents created a pregnancy problem that interfere with their academic progress but also they gave a burden to their parents.
In conclusion, teen alcohol abuse has a big impact on our society. Teenagers not only ruin their own lives by abusing alcohol but also people surrounding them. We need to take this social matter seriously otherwise the ratings of killed, abused, or damaged teenagers will skyrockets. Understanding the problem and using right approach will make a difference in our society. “Kids are going to try drugs and alcohol; that 's part of society”.-Jamie Lee Curtis. Work Cited: 1) http://niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/special-populations-co-occurring-disorders/other-psychiatric-disorders.
2) http://www.mces.org/pages/suicide_fact_alcohol.php
3.) ABBEY, A.; ROSS, L.T.; AND MCDUFFIE, D. Alcohol’s role in sexual assault. In: Watson R.R., ed. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Reviews: Volume 5 Addictive Behaviors in Women. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 1994. pp. 97 123. CROWEL, N.A., AND BURGESS, A.W. Understanding Violence Against Women. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996.
4) www. niaaa.nih.gov
5) www.nhtsa.dot.gov