The information in this assignment will consist of a comparison with depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants, accompanied by a theoretical reason or justification of why one would select any of these given drugs. Furthermore, to examine and evaluate the state or condition amongst the drugs, comprised of composition, manufacture/cultivation, how they are use, and their physical and psychological consequences on the human body. The identity of a specific theory, such as anomie, differential association, social control, cultural deviance, labeling, behaviorism, behavior medication, or cognitive learning, which best explains why one would…
We have already attempted coming up with a solution to the sale and consumption of alcohol in the 1920’s the Prohibition which was a complete and utter disaster when it failed drastically but turning the sale and consumption of alcohol into an underground crime scene by illegally smuggling alcohol and selling it. With a failed attempt and history repeating itself the government cannot use scare tactics on society as a way to prevent crime within society. If there is a way people will find it to be able to get what they want even if it is illegal to do. We set rules, regulations and laws for a reason which is to deter citizens from making wrong decisions and taking responsibility for their actions. For each law we have it is set up to prevent dangerous situations, crime or the potential for a crime to happen. Within our society the sale and alcohol consumption was minimized by the laws of economics to change things such as the price of alcohol, reducing the hours in which you legally can keep your establishment open, how much one in your establishment is allowed to consume before being “shut-off” for the night, and limiting the ability to purchase alcohol in some states on Sunday. Communities reconciled their differences by putting stipulations on minors having parties and if the authorities showed up not only were the minors arrested but the parents were now held accountable for the actions of their minor children. In addition they added leaving a facility drunk and causing a vehicular accident not only was the party who was driving the vehicle responsible for damages, lives lost, injuries sustained but so was the person whose house or establishment that they left from. Raising the bar on the luxury of consuming alcohol and making sure that people are held accountable for their irresponsibility’s while under the influence, increasing check-points within communities has reduced the statistics on accidents and deaths resulting from drinking and driving…
Ancient civilizations dating back to the Neolithic period around 10,000 B.C. have fermented and consumed alcoholic drinks. The Egyptians believed that the god of wine, Osiris brewed the first beer with the most fundamental essence of life, and the alcoholic drink was essential to their survival. Whether it be with the purpose of getting drunk, to appease the gods or as primitive medicine, every developed society throughout human history has held alcohol to be an important aspect of life in some way. Only now, in the modern day United States of America alcohol carries much more controversial social implications. The authorities, our government, and worried parents see it as the devil’s drink, bringing with it only irresponsibility, self destructive habits, and a general decline in standard of behavior. Meanwhile it is held up by social media and marketing to cater to our adolescents, flooding their malleable minds with images of fame, fortune, sex appeal, care-free living and artificial maturity that will presumably accompany the use of alcohol. This duality that the consumption of alcoholic beverages holds brings a difficult question to the table. Where do we draw the line? How old is old enough to be trusted with a drink that can so drastically warp one’s conscious thought? As of now, 21 years old is that line, in an effort to discourage young drinkers, stop drunk driving and binge drinking. But the attempt to constrict and criminalize alcohol is a primary source of these issues in and of itself. Allowing individuals to drink earlier on in their lives, but under safe, regulated conditions will teach our youth the dangers of alcohol and how to consume it responsibly early on. It will significantly diminish the thrill of breaking the law to consume alcohol, and it will not promote general disrespect and disobedience in other aspects of the law. That being said, it is important that we consider the benefits of lowering the age that it will be legal for an individual…
History has exemplified how liquor and alcohol bans are ineffective and even counterproductive, especially as seen during the prohibition era in the United States. Alcohol just plays too big of a role in society. It creates a tremendous amount of money for the governments and thousands of jobs for people all over the world. It is a part of peoples’ religious traditions and an escape route from the hardships of life for others. United States prohibition has not been the only failed attempt of an alcohol prohibition.…
This article talks about the current drinking laws and why they aren’t working effectively, based on statistics. The drinking age has effectively banished alcohol from public places, but it has done little to reduce drinking among teens. A majority of young people start drinking way before the…
Alcohol is a drug found in beer, wine, and liquor that causes intoxication. Alcohol can impair a person’s physical and emotional state. Intoxication is the physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol (Friedman, Stine, and Whaten 2242). Some people believe that beer and wine are safer than liquor which leads them to believe that it is okay to drink. The truth is that one 12 ounce bottle of beer or a 5 ounce glass of wine is equal to the amount of alcohol in a 1.5 ounce shot or liquor and can cause the same effects (“Facts About Alcohol”). Short term effects of alcohol include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, coma, death, blackout, memory loss, poor vision, reduced reaction time, and loss of judgement along with self control (Friedman,…
Alcohol is considered to be a large problem in society today. Especially with young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Which presents the question of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered. Lowering the legal drinking age to eighteen would have positive and negative influences on society. Positive through raising more government taxes and keep high school age and young college students out of trouble with the law for drinking. Negatively; students, both in high school and college, would drink during the week which could cause problems with education and crimes related to alcohol would be more likely to increase. Also alcohol consumed at a younger age can cause brain damage if consumed in large amounts. With both positive and negative effects coming from a change, should the law be changed?…
Taking everything into account, underage drinking is not kidding issue among young people. This issue influences the eventual fate of youngsters. One of the reasons from underage drinking is alcoholic addiction. However alcoholism is not by any means the only motivation from underage drinking. Underage drinking likewise causes medical problem at ahead of schedule ages. Ultimately, this issue can cause mischances leading to accidents. Young people ought to intend to be effective grown-ups, yet underage drinking can impact them…
Every weekend there are young adults ages eighteen to twenty engaging in underage drinking at parties. Alcohol plays a huge role in today's’ society. More people drink today than ever before. It is clear that alcohol has had a good impact on people’s lives, but it is more clear that it has had an negative impact on people’s lives. Alcoholic beverages include good things such as happiness for celebrations. Downfalls of alcohol include DUIs, addictions, and death.…
According to CDC, Teens who become alcoholic at early ages tend to be lazy at work resulting in serious career growth. They lose the motivation in life creating a distress life afterwards. They become irresponsible to their duties to their family and society. The modern society is losing a better family life because of drinking problem. Drinking has lot of behavioral changes, which alter the ways of the society as it is based on the young generation. (medical daily, 2006). If they don’t change the thoughts of this issue, future is going to be a difficult one. The total weightage of this platform of raising the drinking bar is to create a wakeful society where everything is without bad habits. Drinking is a bad habit, and it should be corrected to help evolve all the issue regarding drinking. This is why the age bar is a serious thought which needs to be changed for the good of the society. The ways of the drinking problems are overall affecting the young population in many countries. Since alcohol is an addiction, it becomes a trouble times at the teenage when you need to grow and do something in Life. This is why the drinking age is quite a crucial for this age because it affects the whole generation and it is quite a loss to the society. Again Puberty is very important in everyone in tenure of a person, and this makes it an important time to integrate with body, soul and life. Education and career are important part of this age, hence it is quite a learning time for an individual. Drinking is a big issue on this front, and government is trying to educate through proper acts. Hence, it is an important factor for change in the society(medical daily,…
To start off, the consumption of alcohol can and will cause significant physical damage to the body and mind. This is in the interest of alcohol being absorbed into the bloodstream, which affects the central nervous system and has such an immense control over all body functions. A human brain has not fully developed until the age of 25, which is why the legal drinking age should not be at the age of 21. It gives off harmful alterations in the functions of the development of the brain and therefore doesn’t give the brain the full amount of time that it needs to grow. While the brain is still developing, drinking a heavy amount may cause damages to certain brain functions and have lasting health effects. Some examples to body functions that can…
Alcohol is the number one drug problem in the United States. Americans spend a slightly under 100 billion dollars on alcohol each year. Just a little fewer than 50% of Americans have either experienced or knows someone in their family that have experienced alcoholism (Drug “Alcoholism is when the body becomes physically dependent on alcohol.” According to World Health Organization, “there are an estimated 140 million alcoholics around the world!” Addiction is very hard to break out of and may even be part of their lifestyle for the rest of one 's life. Since alcoholics usually cannot control their behavior after drinking, they often have problems in their home and workplace ( About 12% of alcoholics are unemployed (Drug Statistics show that a person who consumes alcohol before age 15 is at a higher risk of becoming addicted later in life than a person who start to consume alcohol at a later age ( These reasons show that leaving the legal drinking age at 21 would be more beneficial to the United States than to lower it to 18, and risk teenagers of having a higher chance of getting addicted to alcohol.…
Alcohol is a common and easily obtainable drug that has been socially accepted in many countries. Alcohol is a ‘depressant drug.’ It slows down the actions of the central nervous system and lowers heart and breathing rates, allowing many people to ‘relax.’ The drug doesn’t affect the body as much if it is taken in right amounts; however if the drug is abused, it can be very harmful. Even though many people are aware of the negative effects of alcohol, people still decide to drink as it helps them unwind and have a ‘good time.’…
Throughout the history of television, viewers have raised many questions about alcohol advertising. How is advertising affecting us? Does it have an impact on alcohol abuse or alcohol related disease and death? Does advertising influence alcohol consumption? In this essay, I will mainly concentrate on why such alcoholic advertisements should be restricted; and to what extent should any governments be able to control advertising.…
Fewer than one percent of people who are exposed to alcohol in the U.S have required medical attention due to consumption. Some people argue that strict laws on alcohol are needed to prevent people from endangering themselves or others, however if we taught moderation and responsibility at an early age we could still enjoy the benefits of drinking in a more controlled environment. The laws that focus on drinking need to be formed to include all of the teaching moments and benefits that go along with a privilege like moderate alcohol consumption.…