This proposal has been design to give explanation of the four factors using the alcohol consumptions, which is health policy concern and will explain the steps by using health policy triangle models. Context which mean systematic factors, for the alcohol health policy its looks the
Important of the policy making and how power it is in health policy, both nationally and internationally and also it looks the social, economic aspect of effect of the alcohol consumptions policy. Content is the material of the whole alcohol policy which has been discussed above and to understand how the alcohol policy interact and influence health policy. Process is the way to analyse if the alcohol policy is worked or not then by developing what has changed by implemented and evaluated if the old existing alcohol consumptions worked. Actors they are important to the alcohol consumptions policy because, they refer to individuals, groups, organisations which put the issues on the political agenda of each stakeholder’s and analysis who involved in policy making.
From the health experts it has been discussed that alcohol and its advertisement was the main approach and serious public health distress, The Guardian (17.02.11) in an investigation has found that concerns such as marketing raised by health experts are not being discussed in policy talks led by the Coalition government. Health promotion needs to achieve its aims and objectives which are to improve the quality of services they provide about health lifestyle and give accurate information
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