And so I say to you today that we are in the age of alcohol consumption. In which both males and females are on a mission to transform their blood into alcohol. But should this be so, I say NO! Alcohol should be banned.
For instance the consumption of alcohol should be banned because it causes great damages to our health it causes domestic violence and strays the mind towards suicidal thoughts or even to be involved in illegal acts. Alcohol should be banned.
As a result of information provided by Dr. Oz alcohol consumption causes liver and kidney disease, arthritis and nervous breakdown and much more these health problems could lead you to ruin your life, to become unemployed and to have family problems and you will also become an unrespectable person in your neighborhood. People will laugh at the sight of you, they will mock you. Alcohol should be banned.
Alcohol damages family life but yet persons still abuse the usage of alcohol into their systems; even the religious beliefs say that persons should not consume alcohol. And also research from Ministry of Education proves that 35% of children in the country could not be present in school because their parents were alcoholics and could not afford to send their children to school and even young children are consuming alcohol into their body, Alcohol should be banned.
So now do you agree with me that alcohol consumption be banned, judging from all the dangerous reasons don’t you think the citizen of our country deserve a country of love and prosperity so once again I say to you ,should Alcohol consumption be banned.