Feel older than friends
Like to try new things
+Young: * do like other friend
Disagree with parents
Force to try(bad friend)
Think it is cool
+solution *be taught at school more carefully
Government ban these product more seriously
Society care more
Youth drug abuse is a serious problem nowadays in many countries.Not only is illegal drug use on the rise,but the children as young as ten years old are experimenting with alcohol and tobacco.The reasons for this behaviour are unclear,but certain sociologists blame the examples set by their elders.
It is a commonly held that young children seems to be in the habbit of aping the grown-ups.To add, old generation has one sentence which could not be futher accurate :” Like father like son”.A silence example here is in a family,when the chidren see their father smokes ,for relaxing or father’s hobby,they will think cigarette contains none of harm.It results in the fact that the kid will try to smoke once,twice and many times later,for the though of relaxing or just playing for fun.Besides, teenagers nowadays tend to have a lot of friends,not only their friends at the same class with them but also the older than them.That boy or girl will give it a try just to be though to be equal with friend.They think knowing to use bad gas they will be accepted in society.We cannot refute their definition if they are not well taught about this issue or they feel alone and nobody cares about them.Teenagers accept taking risks just to change their lives into better.
Another reason for this burning issue is that children or teenagers are the same meaning with “young”.Smoking is thought to be cool.Some do like other friends.Cigaretter is especially cheap,which means they can usually buy it.Teenager hold a high emotion.Whenever they disagree with parents,fight with friends or break up with someone they can do anything to reduce or make the stress