Froma Harrop presented her viewpoint on binge drinking and college students in an essay, which appeared in the Tampa Tribune. Harrop, an editorial writer and columnist for the Providential Journal, contends that understudies ought to be the ones accountable for their conduct, not organizations and educational institutions.…
Men, while drinking, become more persistent and they use more physical force when trying to talk to you. There have been many situations where a man will hold onto you tightly while trying to talk to you, or force himself onto you, or try and get you to kiss him. This is an incredibly difficult situation to remove yourself from if you are physically weaker than the person pursuing you. In my opinion, male aggression is one of the key factors in sexual assault. Aggression was not reported in females, in this study, and it is very rare to hear of a woman assault a…
Drinking leads to a widespread of consequences such as impairments in cognitive abilities, including decision making and impulse control, and motor skill impairments, such as balance and hand eye coordination. Lowering the MLDA increases the likelihood of being injured, experiencing falls that require medical treatment, causing injury in traffic accidents, being taken advantage of sexually, and injuring others in various ways (White, 2013). A portion of alcohol related harms that college students might experience are: injuries, physical assault, sexual assault, unsafe sex, health problems, suicide attempts, drunk driving, memory loss, property damage, police involvement, alcohol abuse, dependence and death. An estimated 599,000 students between…
The more some college kids and young adults drink, the more sexual assaults can happen. It can also raise accident injuries from 599,000 to over 600,000. It can raise the death rate from 1,700 to over…
Recent reports have proven that 90% of all reported campus rapes occur when alcohol is being used by either the assailant or the victim (Hansen 1). Although people believe that college students can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, tragedies can be prevented by knowledge of college crime rates and by taking higher security precautions. Jeanne was the only…
Although underage drinking is illegal, sexual assault could lead to lower self-esteems, dissociations, eating and sleeping disorders, pregnancy and even suicide. Someone could refute that by catching underage drinkers there could be less sexual assaults. By cutting down on drinking, we could prevent some sexual assaults; however there are many more sexual assaults that are not caused from alcohol, but rather from other purposes such as revenge or other psychological reasons. In addition, when the Penn State alerts that all the students get from a crime especially about a stalking or sexual assault, it is never in East Halls; therefore it could be safely said that underage drinking is not an effect or a gateway to sexual…
There was a study that freshmen college students are raped due to alcohol consuming. There were 59% female incoming college freshmen who reported on the last 3 months of their senior year of high school. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses for general aggression reveal that heavy alcohol consumption at the time of the aggression and strong alcohol-related aggression expectancies were associated with more frequent social and emotional consequences.…
Binge drinking on college campuses affects more than just those that are doing it-teachers, parents and the quality of campus life all suffer when the problem gets out of hand. Putting an end to binge drinking is not easy but it is possible with the right initiatives.…
The following two statements are Null Hypotheses written in English. For each, rewrite the null using mathematical symbols and notation as shown in the ClassPak. The statement in parentheses refers to the Alternative Hypothesis for each.…
Despite years of research, alcohol abuse continues to be a threat to society. Alcohol abuse is a big problem in the United States, especially for young adults who are of ages around the minimum legal drinking age. As of right now, the current minimum legal drinking age is 21 years of age in the United States. There is a lot of debate on whether the drinking age should be lowered, raised, or stay the same due to the problems alcohol abuse is causing, particularly at colleges. According to Beth McMurthie of The Chronicle of Higher Education, “More than 1800 students die every year of alcohol-related causes. An additional 600,000 are injured while drunk, and nearly 100,000 become victims of alcohol-influenced sexual assaults” (McMurthie). Clearly…
Binge drinking in college is a controversial issue that has impassioned many to write. Henry Wechsler, Froma Harrop, Kathryn Stewart, Corina Sole, and James C. Carter are several writers that have shared their opinions with the public, in hopes to influence society. Although these writers have expressed their concern on this matter, each has a distinct perspective upon the issue. At one end of the spectrum lies Wechsler’s article which was inspired by an unfortunate event – the death of an MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) freshman who died of alcohol poisoning. He claims that colleges are not acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, which should, since college students are ever so “incapable” of controlling their obnoxious…
According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 1,800 college students die from alcohol-related causes every year while about 800,000 are being assaulted by other students, be it sexually or other assaults. About one in every four college students also accept that they have experienced academic problems. Despite the fact that college drinking has caused many issues, it has not been stopped, yet. College drinking is not only harmful for students who consume alcohol but also for other people who live around the campus. It has a bad influence on the social lives of the general population.…
One of the most common causes of sexual assault according to Shields (2015) is alcohol: “alcohol depresses women’s ability to assess risk, it diminishes men’s ability to accurately perceive women’s interest in having sex with them.” Shields (2015) also shows in a study that “more than 1,300 colleges and universities and have found that far fewer accusations of sexual assault are levied at the schools that ban alcohol and prohibit opposite-sex overnight guests in residence halls.” This shows that if schools have stricter alcohol laws the sexual assault rate will decrease. This relates to a study done by U.S News and World Report (2015) where it is found that “assault rates have been 3.1 to 4.4 times higher at the most permissive colleges and universities than at their more restrictive counterparts.” Another predecessor of sexual assault is age, Finley’s (1993) study found the…
Like Barton, many members of the North Lake family deny the plausibility of an addiction to Netflix, citing that they can stop whenever they want to. When asked to explain any periods of abstention, however, the common answer was not that of exercising control, it was of running out of episodes or things to watch. Denial is another stage of addiction.…
Substance abuse over college students make up one of the largest groups of drug abusers nation wide. Daily drug abuse among college-aged young adults is at its highest since 1980. College students are abusing a number of prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and illegal drugs, Adderall, alcohol, OxyContin, and medical marijuana. Substance abuse is defined as a pattern of drug use leading to significant problems or distress.…