Why do college students drink so much? This timeless fad has effected this generation in high percentages since the beginning of college education. Today in America it is estimated that approximately 29% of college students are regular alcohol abusers. Another recent study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism performed showed that college students suffered 1,400 deaths, 70,000 date rapes and assaults, and 500,000 injuries each year as a result of alcohol. (McDonald) Although binge drinking (5+ drinks in one sitting) is considered a normal part of the college experience many factors contribute to whether or not an individual is more prone to be an abuser.
Everyday, people are injured or killed in alcohol related accidents. These accidents have a direct effect on family and friends as well. Being one of few legal controlled substances in the U.S., alcohol is easily accessible for minors and is a large part of the teenage party culture. Because the abuse of alcohol often begins with adolescents and young adults, most research is based around them. Through these studies we learn what drives teens to drink and the consequences for their actions. Researchers from the University of Alabama were able to show several reasons that provide incentives for adolescents to consume alcohol. Using a written survey, it was determined that the high school students being studied used alcohol to cope with problems in their lives, including "task-oriented", "emotion Oriented", and "avoidance coping" (Windle). The only major differences in results between sexes became obvious when it was shown by Windle that girls were more likely to use alcohol for avoidance and emotion-oriented coping than boys. Boys however, are more likely to have alcohol related problems and