
Aldous Huxley: A Short Story

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Good evening I’m Philip Coastal. Today’s top story, a man robbing a bank wanted the police to assist him. That’s right the Fidelity bank in Huxley is nothing more than a friendly place to store your hard earned money. But today at 12:37pm, an unidentified man had walked into the bank shooting the ceiling and eventually the cameras. Police were quickly on the scene and had to shut down part of the highway. With a sawn off 12 gauge shotgun in his hand, the man had hostages and made some outrageous demands. Police say the man wanted a armored vehicle, a better weapon, and bombs to blow up the bank’s safe. The bank’s manager was still out for lunch when the man walked in and no one else in the bank knew the combination. Negotiations were exchanged …show more content…

When the teller opened the register, I saw his pupils double in size and then I heard the gunshot. I immediately dropped to the floor. He told me and the five other customers to get on the ground and to be quiet. A little kid started to cry. I saw the man smile through his ski mask and he walked over to the child. He picked up the kid with one arm and held him in a choke hold. I felt so bad for the little guy. He told the teller that if he doesn’t open the safe, he would kill the kid. That was when the teller told him that he didn’t know the combination to the safe. He threw the kid on the ground and shot his gun at least three times into the …show more content…

I’ve seen enough war movies to know that it was a laser from a sniper. So I started to smile, since this whole thing was about to be over. The gunman asked me why I was smiling and then his gun flew out of his hands. When I saw it happen, I sprinted to the door and made it outside.
Now we take you little Kyle Peterson. He is a five year old boy who was just going to the bank with his mother. He told us what the “Big Meanie” did to this little boy. Here is his part of the story.
I was walking in the bank with my mommy and I heard a loud noise that hurt my ears. My mommy picked me up and started to scream. I started to cry because I didn’t know what was going on. Then a big mean man grabbed me and took me away. I was scared. He was hurting my neck. I started crying even more. And my mommy started crying. Then the mean man started yelling. Then he threw me to the ground and I hurt my knee. It was scratched up. The mean man was yelling into a radio. Then I heard him scream. His leg was bleeding very badly. He was rolling on the ground. My mommy picked me up and she ran out the door with me. I stuck my tongue out at that man. He was big

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