Strengths Weaknesses
- Two members of Alerxia staff suffer from food allergies and know firsthand the inconvenient of eating outside their home and the risk of food poisoning.
- Alerxia offer services not only for people with celiac disease, but for people who have all kind of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. Competitors focus only on celiac disease, while Alerxia covers the 14 main allergens
- Alerxia offers a select group of restaurants for people with food allergies or food intolerances and certifies their processes.
- Alerxia helps restaurants with the process of giving a correct service and avoid any dangerous mistake by using Alerxia customer information and training for certification.
- Alerxia Platform is customizable for each diner with a specific dietary …show more content…
This would benefit diners with gluten allergy or sensitivity too, but business must consider that there are customers with different food allergies at the same time. Alerxia offer services not only for people with celiac disease, but for people who have all kind of food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. The platform can be customized with the 14 allergens that should be declared according to regulation 1169/201.
• The uniqueness of Alerxia platform lies in the fact that the selection of restaurants that are listed in the website are not randomly chosen. Restauranteurs must follow guides and a training process to achieve the certification before appearing in the list.
• Another strength is the data given by the platform to the restaurant regarding allergies. Whenever an allergic diner books a table, he/she has to fill some personal information and details of her strict diet requirements. This allows the restaurant to foresee their needs, customize the service in the best way possible and avoid any possible mistake that could lead to allergic