Let me describe
Let me describe
4. SUBJECT: This book is written by a German veteran of World War I, who describes the German soldiers' extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the detachment from civilian life felt by many of these soldiers upon returning home from the frontlines.…
Erik Brandt is a 16 year old half Russian half German boy. He is in a program called Jungend which is also known as Hitler's Children Army. It is like Boy Scouts for German Kids. They boys in the Jungend are also enlisted soldiers who have to fight when it is needed. One day Erik is sent to fight in the war. He is shipped to the eastern front where the Germans have to fight Russia on Russian soil. Erik is uncomfortable because he is half Russian and German. He was aware of the things Germans were doing to Jews but he was convinced it was right and that Jews were preventing Germany's world domination. While traveling to Russia he becomes acquainted with some other boys in his platoon named Oskar, Jakob, and Fassnacht. They get attacks by aircraft and very few of the Germans die but the boys are pretty scared. When they reach their destination they go into the trenches and prepare to fight. Their commander explains the plan and teaches them how to use certain equipment like mines and grenades. When the first waves of Russians attack it is mainly infantry foot soldiers. The Germans win and Erik thinks it’s over and he is exhausted and tired. Then their commander says that was the easy one and tells them to prepare for tanks to start progressing. In the second wave the Germans start to drop and German hope looks lost. Erik is hit by a grenade and he is hurt. He is lying in pain in the bottom of a trench. With many dead bodies around him, he sees that playing dead won’t help because the Russians are stabbing every body they find with a bayonet. He knew he was running out of time. To his luck a tank broke down over him. He now has to think fast. He sees a dead Russian boy and puts on him uniform to disguise himself. He leaves the trench disguised as a Russian. As he is going he get shot by a surviving German in the side. He passes out and wakes up in hospital. When the soldiers he meets asks his name he says he has amnesia. He meets a young nurse in…
Paul Bäumer is a German, young boy, who, together with his classmates, enlists for the army to fight in the Great War. Full of enthusiasm and adventurous thoughts, they arrive at the front, but then are faced with the horrific and soul-destroying war. One by one the classmates are fall in action……
Men were drafted into war without a choice and some had even chosen to move in order to avoid this draft. One man who attempted to leave was the author, Tim O’Brien, once he saw his draft letter he soon became paranoid and thought of ways to leave the United states, “I was too good for this war. Too smart, too compassionate, too everything. It couldn’t happen… I was no soldier. I hated Boy Scouts. I hated camping out. I hated dirt and tents and mosquitoes. The sight of blood made me queasy.” (O’Brien, 39). A young man in his twenties trying to avoid war because he thought he was better than it, the boy scouts out in the woods and him hating every moment of it, all images that come into a reader's mind as the draft letter is revealed and reasons…
In the short story, “Soldier’s home,” the protagonist deals with difficult conflicts within himself and with others. Ernest Hemmingway shows us what it is like for the soldier, Harold Krebs, who returned home, to Kansas, from World War I in 1917, three years after the end of the war. He did not get celebrated like all the other soldiers that returned home causing some major conflict in the story.…
The privilege of being a child is only a lost dream to children in places like Sierra Leone where they are forced into joining rebel and militia groups. The children in those groups learn how to shoot guns when instead they should be learning how to ride a bicycle. In Ishmael Beah’s memoir, A Long Way Gone he speaks about his time during the war and being recruited as a child soldier. Ishmael goes through numerous life changing events and commits awful things during his time in fighting in the war. Ishmael however is able to leave his horrible lifestyle behind, obtain his humanity back and start a new beginning along with the rest of society. Beah manages to withstand the effect of the horrors of war by accepting the loss of his family, and beginning new relationships with people such as his newly found uncle and Esther the nurse from his rehabilitation center.…
A stunning adventure involving Nazis, nukes, fighting, failure, and everyday heroes, from the author of the award-winning The Nazi Hunters. Neal Bascomb delivers another nail-biting work of nonfiction for young adults in this incredible true story of spies and survival. The invasion begins at night, with German cruisers slipping to harbor. Then planes roar over the mountains, and soon the Nazis occupy all of Norway. They station soldiers throughout the country. They institute martial rule. And at Vemork, an industrial fortress high above a dizzying gorge, they gain access to an essential ingredient for the weapon that could end the war: Hitler’s very own nuclear bomb.…
Joseph Plumb Martin was born on November 1760 in western Massachusetts. He wrote a book in which he described the life of an ordinary soldier during the American Revolution.”A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier” not only informed about the poor conditions in which the troops lived but also is one of the few soldier's accounts of the Revolution in general.…
War has a lasting effect on misguided and misinformed teenagers who rashly make the decision to join the army without the appropriate knowledge on what war is really like. In the novel, ‘B for Buster’, by Iain Lawrence, which takes place on an airbase in England, readers can delve into a tale of woe and horror experienced by members of the air force. It is this woe and horror occurring in the air force that a young boy from Canada named Kak has come to know. Kak’s character undergoes significant adjustments with each month he spends in the air force and with each person he meets and grows close to. Lawrence uses Kak’s dynamic character to show the destruction of war on the minds of teenagers who illegally join the fight as Kak develops from…
War and a crucial period of the dissolving country. This period of life was the 60’s and the generation was healthy there was no formula, cotton diapers, and no danger (Drakulic 1118). The essay is told by a native of Croatia, who uses her personal familiarity of people and the community to report using both journalism and fiction. It tells a story of the trial of a trusting young man named Goran Jelisic’ that becomes cultivated by the war going on around him. Goran was a good looking, thirty year old fisherman with the innocent trusting face of a child. He was gentle, reserved, serene, loyal friend, and made people feel safe. Goran transforms into another person throughout time and becomes a monster that people have a hard time believing that one could turn into. The essay shows how his cultural surroundings influenced him to making rash decisions that affected the remainder of his life. When Goran finished high school he maintained a job as a farm mechanic, but was not happy with making so little money. Then he proceeded to forging checks, which landed him in prison for a year and a half. He was released after several months only to be volunteered for war, and at the young age of twenty three Goran became a police officer. He shortly developed in the next Hitler by executing prisoners with no remorse.…
It’s cold. My feet are wet and everywhere I turn I see rats. Remember how excited and happy I was to enter into this war? Well, that changed once I stepped foot on these grounds. Remember when I kissed Angela on the forehead right before I left and I said, “I’ll be home soon to kiss you again.” Well, I think that was our last kiss. Remember how I said everything will be alright and I’ll be perfectly fine.” Well, I regret saying that. Remember how I said. “Its only a summer war mom. No need to be so worried. I’ll be back, right before Christmas eve.” Well, that turned into a lie. It’s disgusting. There’s not much to eat around here, so I eat lice and the rats that I can find. I haven’t taken a shower in over two weeks. I wish I was home right now wrapped up in that warm blanket you made me. These trenches they have us in are so small. It seems like everything around me is crammed up. Maybe it’s just me. You know how claustrophobic I get sometimes. It’s horrible here. Every day, every hour, one of the friends I had made here at this war is gone. Their bodies, lifeless and cold on these floors. No one cares to pick them up and move them. So they just lie there. As I walk past them I look at their faces. Roger Linopsy. That’s the last body I saw before I wrote this letter to you. Two kids and a wife back home. Well, he no longer has a home. He’s in heaven where the rest of my 184 friends I’ve made in this war are. Yes im keeping track. Every name, it’s written down on these few papers I have, because if I ever get out of this brutal war I want to tell their families myself that they passed on to a better life than what they were living. No family member deserves to hear that their loved one has passed away from someone that barely knew them. As I look around I see smoke coming from everywhere. I hear gun fires coming from everywhere. Yelling, screaming, and cries for help…
The defeat and destruction of my country and its people left me in despair. The crumbled buildings half standing, the bodies of those bombarded with bombs, and the memory of my repentant actions during this immense war. I consider myself a patriot of my grand country, served to protect it, and completed what instructed, but it fails to erase the horrifying images of thousands of men, women, and children piled atop of one another executed by myself and my comrades. Before this commenced, I lived a relatively normal life. I served in the military and participated in combat operation during the invasion of the Soviet Union. This experience helped transition me into my operations in Poland, but never fully prepare me for what materialized.…
It was a crusty autumn morning in Munich, Nazi Germany, world war two was in its second year. The third Reich has occupied much of Europe and the Chinese and Japanese have been engaged in a virtually non-stop war and only has been intensifying after the Jap's had violated and exploited Nanjing and decapitated anybody that dares to oppose them. When they left; only corpses, pits of ash where the dead were burned, and the ruins of houses where people once lived in and all the women old and young were sold, I can't tell what they were sold for, but I can tell you, it was dark and inhumane. The young boys who were too young to fight were forced to work on rich farms if they dared argue or refuse off with their hands and then off with heads and…
There were many soldiers coming back in and out of house. One of them was Lieutenant Kotler. At first glance, he seemed to be very rude and disrespectful. As my husband became busier. I found myself stuck in a world of loneliness. I dread for attention but I wasn’t getting any. My hatred against Auschwitz increased. In addition, the only time I found myself released from the loneliness was during dinner. I love being accompany by Lieutenant Kotler.…
The rumbling of empty stomachs filled the silent air, invading the little space we had. Trying to take my mind off my thoughts, I focused on seeing my family again, wondering whether they managed to escape. I had heard stories of what had happened to captured Jews in Germany, but that's all I thought they were. Stories. A vision of a nightmare, fuelled by fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, judging from the events of today, they seemed all too true. Suddenly, a whistle blasted, and the train lurched forward. Terror shot through my veins as we left Szczebrzeszyn, heading towards our inevitable future. My bottom lip quivered as I stood gazing into the darkness, unable to prevent the tears that dripped down my face. I stayed to myself throughout the journey, as did everyone else. The amount of oxygen in the air made me feel light-headed, as we continued to stand, crowded together like cattle. Days passed before we finally arrived. The journey was mostly a blur. I hadn't eaten or drunken since stepping into the boxcar, and I knew I would die if I went a few more days without water. The only thing that had kept me going was the thought of seeing my family…