To begin, The discovery of penicillin was sheer luck! Alexander Florey actually re-discovered at a St. Mary’s hospital in London, 1928. When testing it he noticed that penicillin was killing a number of disease-causing bacteria. On Page 123 it states, “He observed that a plate culture of Staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue green mold and that the colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were being dissolved.”Dr. Howard Florey and three colleagues began intensive research on Penicillin ability to kill disease-causing bacteria. …show more content…
Sometime by November 26, 1941, Andrew J. Moyer ( the lab’s expert on nutrition molds) had succeeded. He increased the yields of penicillin 10 times. “As production increased from nearly priceless in 1940, to about $20 per dose by 1943, to $0.55 by 1946.” Said Mary Bellis. Andrew Moyer was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. On May 25, 1948 Andrew Moyer was granted a granted a patent for the mass production of penicillin! In Conclusion, penicillin has come a long way in a sense of development. It took a while for penicillin to develop into what is not a super antibiotic. Penicillin has now saved millions of lives and will continue to do