Discuss the importance of learning about important figures in world nation’s history by exploring the past and various sources to obtain the information. In this case, Alexander Hamilton is the topic we will discuss.
The use of Primary Sources will help students recognize and understand who Hamilton was and why he is an important contributor in our history. Provide a replica copy of the “Declaration of Independence.” Have some of the students take turns reading verses from the declaration of independence and have them try to decipher what it is saying and what does it mean. Ask questions on why is this document important to our nation. Discuss what role Hamilton played in the …show more content…
Have an open discussion about theories and stories they have heard about Hamilton. Then proceed to give a brief lecture about Alexander Hamilton and talk about his contribution to our nation's constitution. Once the lecture is complete, show students a brief video about Alexander Hamilton. Then proceed again to ask questions about what they think about Hamilton and discuss if their assumption or beliefs of Hamilton changed or stayed the same. For homework, I’ll have them read from their textbook and answer questions that are assigned to them. The next day in class, go over the reading to gather their understanding of the material.
To further enhance students investigative tools, have them log on to the primary source and look at other secondary sources to gather more information about Hamilton. This will allow the students to exercise their critical thinking while further developing how to critique the materials they …show more content…
By incorporating these media in conjunction will engage the student in their learning process to include that this will embark on their emotional responses to the material.
By having the students look at videos and hear the songs from the play, this will entice them to continue their research on the subject. Provide lyrics for the students to read along while the actors sing will enable them to obtain the information more since it will be done in a genre that they would probably like which will ultimately spark an interest in their learning process.
Once the students gather all their information through their investigations and reading. They will have about 30 mins to ask questions about all they have learned. The questions will be answered either by the teacher or have other students answer the question. Having students answer each other's questions will build a respectable peer relationship among students but also will help them feel confident in their abilities to analytically and critically