Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were rivals and both influential men in the Revolutionary war and in the creation of the new government. Both had multiple roles in the formation of the new government and both men were instrumental in the success of the new government, but held different political beliefs. These ideals and differences were the foundation of the first two major political parties.
Alexander Hamilton was a commander in the Revolutionary army and a member of Washington’s staff. Furthermore, Hamilton was a congressman and wrote many of the Federalist papers as well. In addition, he was the first secretary of the Treasury appointed by Washington. Hamilton …show more content…
Alternatively, Jefferson came from wealth, but was a champion of the poor and a proponent of taxing the wealthy. Another area where the two men differed was in regard to economic policy. As the Secretary of the Treasury in the new government, Hamilton’s policies established a National Bank, provided the U.S. with uniform currency, and worked to establish the financial credit of the new nation. Jefferson opposed the creation of a National Bank because of his belief that that the Constitution did not give federal authority for it. Yet another area of disagreement between the two was the size of the army. Hamilton believed in a strong federal force and true to his beliefs in local and state powers, Jefferson believed that the U.S. did not need a large, national army.
The differences between the two founding fathers of the United States, Hamilton and Jefferson, contributed to the creation of the first political parties and still form the basis of the two major parties today. The Federalist party with its belief in a strong national government identifies in that regard to the Democratic party of today. Today’s Republican party is a proponent of state and local rights with a limit to national government