The World Generals Series
“Palgrave’s World Generals Series will feature great leaders whose reputations have transcended their own nations, whose bold characters led to new forms of combat, whose determination and courage gave shape to new dynasties and civilizations—men whose creativity and courage inspired multitudes. Beginning with illustrious World War II
German Field Marshall Irwin Rommel, known as the Desert Fox, the series will shed new light on famous warrior-leaders like Napoleon,
Frederick the Great, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, drawing out the many important leadership lessons that are still relevant to our lives today.”
—Gen. Wesley K. Clark
This distinguished new series will feature the lives of eminent military leaders from around the world who changed history. Top military historians will write concise but comprehensive biographies including the personal lives, battles, strategies and legacies of these great generals, with the aim to provide background and insight into contemporary armies and wars as well as to draw lessons for the leaders of today.
Rommel by Charles Messenger
Alexander the Great by Bill Yenne
Montgomery by Trevor Royle
Alexander the Great
Lessons from History’s
Undefeated General
Bill Yenne
Copyright © Bill Yenne, 2010.
All rights reserved.
First published in 2010 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN® in the U.S.—a division of St. Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
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