Alexander died on 11 June 323 BCE, in the late afternoon: This can be deduced from the Astronomical diaries, a Babylonian source1. Numerous theories have been espoused over time in relation to Alexander 's death. According to Plutarch, in a period of roughly 11-12 days before Alexander 's death, his fever started as minor and progressed until he eventually died2. During this period he would bath during the day, and in the evening he would also bath and sacrificed and ate freely. During the night he had the fever. He would then send orders from his bedside. The fever eventually became violent and continued to grow. He soon became speechless. His army presumed he was dead after he ceased to send orders. In Alexander 's last days, according to the historical writings (eg., The Royal Diaries), Alexander suffered chills, exhaustion, high fever, agitation, tremors, aching or stiffness in the neck, followed by a sudden sharp pain in the area of the stomach3. He then collapsed and suffered acute and excruciating agony wherever he was touched. Alexander also suffered from an intense thirst, fever and delirium, and throughout the night he experienced convulsions and hallucinations, followed by periods of calm. In the final stages of the
Bibliography: < > (2008) Web News Article; BBC NEWS “Health; Alexander 's death riddle is solved”