Name: Roxann Coopoosamy
Module: ALF1501
Final Assignment: Assignment 09
Unique Number:
Contents Page:
Page 3
First portfolio activity: My language story:
Page 4
Second Portfolio Activity:
Page 5
Assignment 6: Cultural ceremonies and language
The final reflection in my portfolio:
Page 14
I tried writing many introduction but seeing that this is an interact module I decided to speak free as in would a friend or a teacher. The purpose of my portfolio is to introduce you to myself and the language I am fluent in and the ones that I am struggling to master. Language is an important aspect of our human existence, everyone everywhere uses language to communicate, there are hundreds of languages in the world and it is impossible for someone to know and master them all.
People and language cannot be separated, people rely on language to communicate and to interact with one another. Language recognition has evolved at a rapid speed, we now live in the “new South Africa” and language is the essence of our culture, after apartheid our government recognised and legalised the 11 official languages, so now not only are we free and equal but now we can express ourselves in our own mother tongue languages and not be ashamed or afraid. We can freely study and understand the language of our African brother without being afraid of victimisation, this module allows us to do that very thing.
Everyone in this world is trying to understand each other and language helps people understand each other better and by understanding our fellow humans we have a better understanding of ourselves. My ALF1501 story starts here…
First portfolio activity: My language story
I am a South African Indian, people always expect me to know and understand my so called mother tongue, Tamil or Hindi, but in fact the only language I am fluent in is
English so I believe that English is my mother tongue language. From the time