Adlerian Theory, founded by Alfred Adler, is stated as a social psychology. The theory is relatively simple, and it puts the responsibility for behavior and success solely on the person. (Seligman & Reichenberg) Adlerian pays considerable attention to social context, family dynamics, and child rearing. This approach is phenomenological, empowering, and oriented towards both present and future. There were two elements of the Adlerian Theory as to why it was not really accepted: (1) If humans can be simply described and understood, I may not be as fantastically complex and interesting as I always thought, and may be responsible for far more of my life than I thought; and (2) if we are responsible for our own behavior I may not be as good, strong, right, controlling, smart, and so on, as I thought, or want to think. If one believes in these two aspects of Adlerian Theory, I have a lot to carry, and a lot to do (Manaster, pg. 282). According to the Adlerian Theory if you do not accept these tenets, “ I can muddle through with the support of another theory that says I can be no or little different from what I am. My faults, my errors, my neurosis, mania, compulsion is not my creation, not something I developed. My culture, society, chemicals, genes, species, parents, or teachers made me this way. They are my handicap. They are my fault. This is my plight (Manaster, pg. 282). Using the Alderian Theory, clinicians are educators, fostering social interest and teaching people ways to modify their lifestyles, behaviors, and goals. Clinicians using the Alderian Theory are analysts who identify faulty logic and assumptions, they explore and interpret the meaning and impact of clients’ birth order, dreams, early recollections and drives. They have to be role models, demonstrating ways…