Alice in Quantumland, speaks about a law of the quantum world, which shows that electrons have no distinguishing features except for their spin. This law being all electrons are identical, except that some spin-up, whereas others spin-down. The electrons even spin at the same speed. This allows them to interact harmoniously with each other and to find pairs within their space based only on each other 's spins. In the novel, Alice noted that nearby was another similar looking figure to the electron, to which the new acquaintance explained was a different electron. In the story, this principle is illustrated by some electron-beings carrying umbrellas which are either pointed up, and some electron-beings carrying their umbrellas pointed down. Contrastingly, in the macro world there are many distinctive features between different objects. Everything is apt to look differently or act differently unlike the electrons which all act and look the same way except for one detail, their spin. However, electrons do accommodate on detail of the macro world. For instance, identical twins, they look and usually act very similarly, but they are only told apart by very small distinctions in their personalities just like electrons are only categorized by their spin. The quantum world is a very different form of our macro world but still holds many similarities such as these that we see in our everyday lives. Electrons of the quantum world have only one distinctive feature, and countless other uniform ones, allowing for the near-uniformity of all electrons across all spectrums, whereas human beings have a myriad of characteristics unique to each one, culminating in a sense of diversity simply unparalleled in the quantum world.…