In the film, Alice wakes up in a mental hospital where a male doctor diagnoses her with “Typical Female Hysteria” and that her condition is “incurable” before even talking to and evaluating Alice. The doctor then attempts to inject Alice with an unnamed drug while Alice protects herself. Her mother also protests but is held back by a man. This one scene shows that society regards some women as deranged while all men are regarded as cool and calm intellectuals who know best. This is why neither Alice nor her mother are allowed to contribute any opinion on Alice’s medical care, even though the mother is both sane and highly respected. This clearly shows the disparity between the genders to the point where women cannot even make decisions that directly impact them. At one point in this movie Alice finds out that her ship was given away against her wishes and her mother attempts to make her understand why. She says, “You can not force things to be as you wanted. Every woman must face that Alice. I did.” This shows that women have been brainwashed into thinking they are unable to improve their position and that they have no choice other than to deal with it. This is important because unless the women decide that they have the power and ability to change the world’s mind, nothing will change and women will never be
In the film, Alice wakes up in a mental hospital where a male doctor diagnoses her with “Typical Female Hysteria” and that her condition is “incurable” before even talking to and evaluating Alice. The doctor then attempts to inject Alice with an unnamed drug while Alice protects herself. Her mother also protests but is held back by a man. This one scene shows that society regards some women as deranged while all men are regarded as cool and calm intellectuals who know best. This is why neither Alice nor her mother are allowed to contribute any opinion on Alice’s medical care, even though the mother is both sane and highly respected. This clearly shows the disparity between the genders to the point where women cannot even make decisions that directly impact them. At one point in this movie Alice finds out that her ship was given away against her wishes and her mother attempts to make her understand why. She says, “You can not force things to be as you wanted. Every woman must face that Alice. I did.” This shows that women have been brainwashed into thinking they are unable to improve their position and that they have no choice other than to deal with it. This is important because unless the women decide that they have the power and ability to change the world’s mind, nothing will change and women will never be