Susan in her literary criticism titled the “Fight vs. Flight: A Re-evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker's “Everyday Use”” states the importance of the ending in this short story because here “Walker shows that Mama's moment of triumph is achieved because she is able to attain a balance between the two types of her heritage represented by her very different daughters—at the end Mama combines Maggie's respect for tradition with Dee's pride and refusal to back down, the combination Walker seems to feel is necessary if true social change is to come about”(179). Keeping in mind that this short story was written during times where tradition meant focusing only on the past and our ancestors Alice Walker believed in something different, perhaps a more in depth understanding on what heritage truly is about and the acceptance of both the old and the
Susan in her literary criticism titled the “Fight vs. Flight: A Re-evaluation of Dee in Alice Walker's “Everyday Use”” states the importance of the ending in this short story because here “Walker shows that Mama's moment of triumph is achieved because she is able to attain a balance between the two types of her heritage represented by her very different daughters—at the end Mama combines Maggie's respect for tradition with Dee's pride and refusal to back down, the combination Walker seems to feel is necessary if true social change is to come about”(179). Keeping in mind that this short story was written during times where tradition meant focusing only on the past and our ancestors Alice Walker believed in something different, perhaps a more in depth understanding on what heritage truly is about and the acceptance of both the old and the