This is a proposed neurological disorder that is characterized by the affected person’s own hand or hands that seemingly have taken over its own free will or mind of its own.. It happens when someone your hand moves alone. they are not in control of it as if it isn’t part of the body. It is believed that it is a result from a brain surgical intervention, in treatment of worst cases of epilepsy. Some reports would also say that this condition can be acquired after a cerebrovascular accident or stroke.
Theory of disconnection. This theory explains that there is dissociation between the person’s main control of body movements with the voluntary actions involved. It is believed that the execution of the movements is altered because the main control centre of actions is “disconnected”, thus resulting to the loss of sensation that a specific action has been executed.
The patients could still sense that their hand is normal and part of their body, but just provides a distinct behaviour on its own without the control of its owner. The person affected believes that their hand has its own free will and is usually referred as an alien behaviour; explaining how alien hand syndrome got its name.
What usually happens with the patient:
The hand (affected) provides an action that the person affected is unaware of.
It would come to a point of awareness to the affected when the hand behaviour catches his or her attention.
The affected would believe that they are being possessed of some sort or they would believe that an alien has taken over his or her hand.
The alien hand syndrome is thought to be caused by a brain injury or infliction that is associated with distinct parts of the brain or a side effect to a surgery in the brain. But in general, the exact or root cause for this condition is yet to be discovered that can be entirely supportive of the condition.
There is no known treatment for this condition as this is