Alina transferred her first grade year to Forts Ferry Elementary School in September 2013. Alina’s first grade teacher described her as a quiet, positive student, who interacted appropriately with her peers. Although Alina met grade level expectations in the areas of reading, writing, and math; she had difficulty reading fluently …show more content…
and comprehending math concepts. Nonetheless, she excelled grade level expectations for much of her reading skills by the third trimester. Alina’s teacher recommended that she continued to work on her reading and math skills during the summer to ensure her success in second grade.
As a second grade student, Alina showed improvements in her writing ability and sound spelling skills. She also displayed many age appropriate work study skills. Her second grade teacher reported that she was organized and a hard worker. However, Alina struggled with reading fluently. It was recommended that Alina read passages more than once in the home setting to increase her fluency.
Presently, Alina is in third grade.
In September 2015, Alina was referred to the Child Study Team (CST) due to academic concerns regarding reading difficulty.Alina’s instructional reading level was ‘L, ’ in comparison to her peers reading at a level ‘N.’ Her third grade teacher reported that she struggled in the area of fluency and she had trouble completing her work in a time efficient manner. In October of 2015, Alina’s third grade teachers and mother requested that she receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in reading due to reading fluency and emotional concerns. Alina’s third grade teacher reported that her fluency issues affected her across all curriculum areas. Moreover, her mother stated that Alina mentioned that she felt “stressed ” due to her academic difficulty. Interventions tried with Alina included outside tutoring, in addition to classroom supports (i.e., small group guided reading, repeated
As a result, Alina currently receives remedial reading support services three times per six day cycle since October 2015. She also receives remedial math support services one time per six day cycle. Review of her third grade report card indicates that Alina met grade level expectations for much of her reading, writing, and math skills her first and second trimesters. Alina comprehended grade level texts, wrote cohesive paragraphs on topic with varied sentence structure, and maintained a ‘C’ average in math. In contrast, Alina needed guidance to meet grade level expectations in the areas of reading fluency and spelling. Her teacher reported that she had difficulty applying spelling skills to her writing assignments and reading fluently. Moreover, Alina’s third grade teacher stated that she is a hard worker who is eager to learn.