There was a time when monarchy and dictatorship were firmly rooted in the world. However, in course of time, the days of monarchy and dictatorship have gone. Ultimately democracy has triumphed.
In the present-day world almost all the countries have democratic form of Government. In democracy, ultimate power of a State lies with the people of that State. People rule their country through their representatives who form the Government and run the administration on behalf of the people. People choose their representatives by casting votes in their favour. Such act of choosing is known as election. Election in which representatives are chosen in all the constituencies of a state is known as General Election.
Pakistan is a democratic country where voters are the electors. On the day of general election, these voters have to go to their respective polling stations to cast their votes. This occurs, generally at the end of every five years.Since independence, Elections in Pakistan have evolved a long way, but all along elections have been a significant cultural aspect of independent Pakistan.
Electoral Roll:
Electoral Roll is a list of people or a register of people who have right to vote in the election. Before the occurrence of the General Election, the Electoral Roll is revised and is made up-to-date with the enlistment of the new voters who have attained the age of eighteen years by the time of the General Election.
Polling station:
A polling station is a building or such other place where the people go to vote at an election. It is generally a school building taken over for time-being for the purpose of General
Election. A presiding officer with his two assistants come to the polling station for a day or so to conduct the election work. Polling agents of the candidates are allowed in the polling station.
A polling-box is placed on the table before the eyes of the presiding officer. His two assistants sit on two sides of a table one is