Drugs known to people for thousands of years. They are consumed by people of different cultures, for different purposes: during religious ceremonies, to recuperate, to relieve pain and discomfort. Until the early 20th century there were virtually no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Sometimes, attempts were made to reduce or prohibit the use of certain substances, but they were short-lived and usually unsuccessful. Currently, the volumes of drug use are huge, and policy of most countries aimed at combating drugs by prohibitive measures against the spread of drugs. This essay will present the arguments for legalizing it, followed by the arguments again, finishing with a conclusion presenting the author’s position.
Supporters of legalization of recreational drugs believe that the main reason is that it would eliminate the criminal market place. Making the production, supply and use of some drugs illegal creates a vacuum into which organised crime moves. Legalisation forces organised crime from the drugs trade, starves them of income and enables government to regulate and control the market. It also argued that legalization would make all drug use safer. Legalisation gives opportunity to control the quality of drugs. Finally, some suggest that legalization massively reduce crime, because most of the violence associated with illegal drug dealing is caused by its illegality.
Opponents of drug legalization offer two principle arguments. Firstly, people believe that making drugs legal will take away the temptation to use them. This idea is wrong and far from logical. If drugs are legalized then they will be more accessible to the young, addicted, and ignorant. Illicit drugs, having a great destructive force, affect primarily the young and active population, adversely reacting on the next generation. Secondly, legalization of use of light drugs, will inevitably lead people to taking hard drugs. People become not able to stop and finally, come to lethal termination.
In conclusion, after learning about the issues regarding both sides of the argument, I would choose to support those who oppose legalization of any drugs. Firstly, I think that legalization of drugs for medical or general use would increase drugs use rather than reduce it and would lead to increased rates of addiction to drugs among youth and adults, legalizing drugs is not a smart public health or public safety strategy for any country. Furthermore, crime too often is the result of a drug problem. More and more people addict from drugs, and to save the population from this terrible disease we should pluck up its cause – drugs.
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