is that global warming could cause the sea to expand and rise faster than the corals could fortify themselves against it and Tuvalu could eventually be submerged into the sea. She appeals to her audience logically with evidence when he writes,”Corals are the backbone of the atoll-never recover their health, the island will eventually be swept away”. In this passage, the author is suggesting that the warming oceans may trigger may cause a eruption of the methane now frozen beneath the seafloor, leading to global warming escalating at a catastrophic rate giving islands no time to develop. She also uses evidence in paragraph number 20 when he writes “New
is that global warming could cause the sea to expand and rise faster than the corals could fortify themselves against it and Tuvalu could eventually be submerged into the sea. She appeals to her audience logically with evidence when he writes,”Corals are the backbone of the atoll-never recover their health, the island will eventually be swept away”. In this passage, the author is suggesting that the warming oceans may trigger may cause a eruption of the methane now frozen beneath the seafloor, leading to global warming escalating at a catastrophic rate giving islands no time to develop. She also uses evidence in paragraph number 20 when he writes “New