Literary Work- All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy
Example: “That night he dreamt of horses in a field on a high plain where the spring rains had brought up the grass and the wildflowers out of the ground and the flowers ran all blue and yellow far as the eye could see and in the dream he was among the horses running and in the dream himself could run with the horses....” (161)
The challenges and the hardships John Grady faced throughout his journey made him realize how the journey made both mentally and emotionally drained his well being. His desire to own a ranch has been his top priority ever since he was born to love horses. After hearing the news of his mother selling the ranch, he was devastated. Realizing that he no longer have plans staying in Texas, he decides to move westward and across the border of Mexico. Unbeknownst what’s ahead of him, John Grady undergoes a turbulent ride involving love and blood as he settles in to restart his life in the beautiful and desolate Mexico. At first, his journey to Mexico was unbelievably easy because he did not face too many hardships until Blevins, a thirteen year old runaway who ultimately changed his peaceful journey into violent and reckless journey. Because of Blevins, Grady ran into all sorts of problems such as almost getting shot and killed and going to jail. Blevin’s sudden encounter has corrupted John Grady’s peaceful journey into a miserable one. He would have never imagined himself experiencing something as horrible as almost getting shot and killed. One peaceful night, John Grady dreams of himself riding on a horse freely in the fields of green grass and wild flowers under the sunny and blue sky. He dreams of the beautiful and colorful scenery and years for it passionately. The dream symbolizes his longing for freedom and peace. The peaceful dream