in turn can also relate to the story of Cain and Able. They later set fire to their paradise and come very close to destroying not only the island but themselves as well. Lord of the flies by William Golding presents itself as a religious allegory due to its relation to stories of the Bible.
During the stay on the island, Ralph and present themselves similar to the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden through certain events. In the first chapters of the book, the island the boys are stranded on resembles the Garden of Eden from Genesis. They both are described with warm weather, plenty of fruit and where “the sun slanted in and lay golden” (Golding 34) creating an astounding scenery. When the boys first arrive one of the first instincts for Ralph after the plane crash is to remove his clothes, bathe, and “loll in the water” (Golding), an action that paralels to the nudity of Adam and Eve. Throughout the Lord of the flies it shows how even with order, sin is obligated to show itself which is similar to the creation of order for the heavens and earth. God created order when he “planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis ASV). It was a perfect island with good food, good weather and good water. Through the novel as order is created, events such as when Ralph and Jack split into two groups because they disagree on “which is better--to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill” (164), concludes to why even in a perfect place with order eventually it is willed to break down. This refers specifically to Adam and Eve’s fall from creation of sin to their disobedience of God’s orders to avoid the forbidden fruit.
Certain characters in the lord of the flies represent parallel characters in the bible.
“The Beast” is the snake in the garden that tricks the others to follow its lead. Jack could represent several Biblical figures including the Satan, Judas and Cain. Judas, who betrayed Christ and condemned him to death for 30 pieces of silver. Jack who first agreed to Ralph as chief betrays him later due to his evident greed and jealousy for power. Jack and Ralph are very much like Cain and Abel. Cain murdered his brother Abel in the fourth chapter of genesis also because of jealousy, this is when god recalls sin and asks Cain, “What have you done” (Genesis KJV). Simon’s selfless nature sets him apart from the others after he takes care of others “littluns”, confronts evil/beast and finds truth and just like Jesus is murdered. He even reassures Ralph of his “safety” (111), which is what the selfless Jesus tells his …show more content…
The novel Lord of the Flies reveals itself as a religious allegory due to its relation and parallel structure to the bible.
Most of the characters in the story have actions that can be compared to that of the bible. From the bible there are stories such as of god’s creation, Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Satan, and many more that coincide with Jack, Simon, Ralph and the others. All in all the novel is semi equivalent to the plot of the stories in the bible because they connect and give a deeper meaning to the novel. The lord of the flies is one big religious allegory that Golding shows through a religious view giving a deeper understanding to his