An idealist focuses on the absolute or the idea to always do in a way that is solving and that it is intentional. Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science says, “From the idealist perspective, human knowledge would not acknowledge the reality of things placed outside of the conscious subject, because the only phenomena considered to be real are those inner to the subject, also called "representations or states of conscience” (Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science, 2015). As people, we are aware of our own individual …show more content…
This was related to a philosopher Socrates and his relationship to Athens. Here Plato talked about people who were born and raised in cave and knew nothing else but the shadows that were formed in front of them. Since that is all they knew to be true and knew nothing else of the world they had no experiences or prior knowledge in order to know what they saw was not true and that there was more to the world. “This ability to draw a distinction between how something appears versus the reality that in some way causes that appearance is quite possibly an aspect of the human condition that is unique to it”(Huard, 2007, pg 2). Meaning that we have to be able to explain how the appearance and the reality that stands behind these appearances work within the human