Plato’s philosophical beliefs by the Allegory of the Cave represents how people view the world by what they see and hear and that we are blinded because of it. The cave itself represents how we are all trapped from the real knowledge that we are too blinded to see. The shadows in the cave are supposed to be what we think is true and that they’re really just shadows of the truth. The prisoner leaving the cave represents the people who actually try to go out and seek knowledge and the sun is representing the truth in life. The prisoner returning to the cave represents how most people are too scared to except the philosophical truth and are actually scared of…
In his allegory, Plato says that there are a few prisoners seated in a cave behind a small wall facing a big wall. The only thing they can do is looking at the wall in front of them and listen, they cannot even move their neck or the rest of the body since they are tied with ropes. Behind them and the small wall there is a fire and between the fire and the small wall there is a path where some people are carrying figures of animals and people, in order to reflect the figures in the big wall, so that the prisioners see them. Some of the people carrying the figures are also talking so the prisoners might think that the figures are the ones that are talking instead of real people.…
In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave, and the synopsis of The Matrix, there are many similarities as well as a few differences. One of the most notable differences that can be observed is that Meditations in First Philosophy begins and ends in the same reality, whereas The Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix begin with the deception of an alternate reality. Another difference that can be detected is the presence of forms in The Allegory of the Cave, which is Plato’s theory that there are perfect ideas or templates that exist outside of our physical world. The strongest common thread that can be traced through these three texts is the metaphysical question of what is ultimately real. Another common theme that can be observed in each of the texts is skepticism over the reliability of each of the main character’s senses and perceptions of reality.…
Plato grew up in the aftermath of a war, and because of this much of his work is cynical, yet the cave does leave the door open for hope. While the pride of the perpetual prisoners is too excessive to think that the world they live in is a false one, there is hope of getting out of the cave, and that…
The Allegory of the Cave” (Plato) is a metaphor that shows how we believe reality. What it is showing is that the things we perceive are imperfect reflections of forms that only represent reality. In the Allegory, Plato uses a cave where prisoners are chained down and forced to look at the wall. Plato shows that the prisoners do not actually know what reality is. The readers understand that the puppeteers behind the prisoners are using objects to create shadows to real things and people, but the prisoners are unable to turn their heads, so they don’t know anything…
The movie The Matrix has many similar themes and differences to “The Allegory of the Cave”. The Matrix is about a man named Neo, he believes that he’s a normal man with a normal life but then he is contacted by a man named Morpheus. Morpheus exposes Neo to the truth that his world, where he is just regular Tom Anderson is made up. The Matrix, was created by sentient machines that subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Neo is reluctant to accept this truth that his original world, the matrix it is called, does not in fact exist. This relates to the “The Allegory of the Cave”, because Neo lived in ignorance his whole life, not knowing his reality was not the only one.…
“The Allegory of the Cave,” written in the classical age of 360 B.C. by a Greek philosopher Plato, illustrates three chained prisoners trapped within a cage never seeing the outside world The only thing that they can see are the shadows created by fire of one's passing through. One prisoner was allowed the freedom to be released. As he discovers this outside world around him, he becomes eager to tell the other prisoners about it. The prisoners do not believe him, because they are not able to see it for themselves. The one prisoner begs and pleads for them to believe him, but they never do. It is like telling an orphan about a father and mother’s love, but they never received it so therefore they do not believe it.…
Allegory of the Cave is a dialog between Socrates and Gloucon in The Republic written by Plato. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Socrates depicts a long, dark cave with a small opening that allows a small amount of light to enter. Inside the cave there group of prisoners, who have been in the cave for their entire lives. The prisoners legs and necks are chained to the cave floor so they are unable to move and can only look forward at the cave wall. At the back of the cave there is a fire that they are never able to view. In between the prisoners and the fire there is a low wall with a path behind it, along which people carry pictures, puppets, and statues. These pictures, puppets and statues are all the prisoners are able to see, and the echoes of the puppeteers when they speak are all they are able to hear. Although the prisoners are chained they are still content because all they have ever known are the shadows. None of them have ever seen anything beyond the cave and have no desire to do so. However one prisoner wakes up to find that he is no longer chained to the floor, and is able to leave the cave. Once the prisoner is outside he realizes that the shadows are not real. The prisoner then decides to return to the cave, to free the other prisoners, however reentering the cave would make his eyes have to…
Plato’s allegory of the cave is supposed to demonstrate not only the human situation in general but Socrates’ life in particular. Socrates glimpsed the true nature of reality and tried to convince the inhabitants of Athens that they didn’t know what they thought they knew. The objects that cast shadows on the wall represent what Plato considers to be the truly real objects: the forms.…
The students in “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara are enchained by their ignorance, in not needy to diversify their alive and apperception how the affluent last, equitable like the Prisoners in “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato who are physically chained to the estate only being powerful to see what is in front of them. In the two readings, the authors search and take apart the problem that relations have in not face ready for their worst and not wanting to turn their living to the reform. In the history of “The Lesson” the students are taken out of their sense of comfort, just as the person who got to pilled out of there cave in “The Allegory of the Cave.” The students in “The Lesson” are repugnant to leaving their insignificant…
The Allegory of the Cave by Plato questions truth, reality, and demonstrates how we are similar to the prisoners within the cave. Every person has a personal “cave” and only with knowledge and understanding can we escape from the captivity ignorance.…
The cave is a symbol of the world; it represents the World of Appearances based on what people see by their senses. It is an illusionary physical world in which people are trapped by ignorance and false truths. It is a world where people ignore the truth and are unenlightened. The prisoners are in this illusionary world where they think that what they are seeing is reality however it is not reality at all. In the cave there are shadows of truth and echoes of reality. It is filled with illusions. It is a world of senses where the prisoners have gained empirical knowledge which is flawed. Plato thinks that the prisoners’ situations are no different from ours, as we do not see the forms clearly, only the physical world. Plato believed that everything exists in its true,…
As Socrates begins the allegory, there is a cave with an opening but no natural lighting reaching far enough into the cave. And within that cave, there are people or slaves--that some would call--that are chained by their necks and legs that forces them to sit and not be able to turn their heads and stare at the…
Both "The Allegory of the Cave" and "The Matrix" are stories in which there are two realities, one perceived and one real. Although "The Matrix" is not based exactly on Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave," there are several parallels between the two works. The similarities in "The Matrix," relate to Plato's concept. They project his thoughts of natural logic from "The Allegory of the Cave" into a perspective that makes it easier for people to understand when it is put into a science-fiction movie.…
In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato uses a vast spectrum of imagery to explain ones descent from the cave to the light. While Plato uses this Allegory to explain his point through Socrates to Glaucon. This allegory has many different meanings. The Allegory can be used in many different ways, from religion to politics to ones own intellectual enlightenment, or it can be interpreted as the blinded person in a colt like reality. Are we all prisoners in a world that is forced on us through the media? How do we really know that we are not just pawns in some one’s chess game. What meaning was Plato trying to introduce to Glaucon? This cave can represent many aspects in the world. And the prisoners can be any one. The puppeteers can be a symbol for people or for the things in life that hold us back from seeing and thinking clearly. As we look further into Plato’s work we will explore many different meanings for this allegory and attempt to give our life some meaning. I would like to start off with a summary of the allegory of the cave as I have understood it.…