“The Catcher in the Rye”
There are certain literary devices like allusion, which composed the novel of “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D Salinger. In chapter 16, the novel makes reference to the allusion of Hamlet by D.B. This literary work of Hamlet is the main character in the Shakespearean tragedy, as it said, it was written by William Shakespeare, a well-known poet and playwright. This figurative language reveals several characteristics of the main character, Holden, about Hamlet/Shakespeare. It shows that he disagrees with the interpretation or casting. Throughout the discussion, Phoebe’s opinion of Hamlet is similar to Holden’s. She enjoys the lost moment when Hamlet strokes his dog’s head (the rest of the film soars over her head). Holden is older and complicated, but his impressions of the film are much closer to Phoebe’s because he even reveals that the film version ruins the original when he says: “If an actor acts it out, I hardly listen. I keep worrying about whether he’s going to do something phony every minute” (pg 107). This reflects that Holden judges about everything, even when it comes to watch films. He analyzes excessively and sees just the negative part of the film to find something to criticize about. Holden expresses his own personal opinion of Hamlet through the book “The Catcher in the Rye”.
La historia transcurre en un monte soriano, llamado Monte de las Ánimas, el día de los Difuntos. Comienza con una expedición de cazadores de ese lugar, pero ya se encuentra preparando el regreso, ya que es 1 de noviembre, día de Todos los Santos, justo antes de la terrible fecha. Así es como Beatriz y Alonso, hijos de los Condes de Borges y de Alcudiel, junto a sus padres y pajes, montados a caballo, inician el camino hacia la cacería. Alonso, que es cazador, empieza a contar una leyenda, la del Monte de las Ánimas. Al parecer, a este monte que llamaban de las ánimas pertenecía a los Templarios, que eran guerreros y