Alison is looking to be trapped on an island but instead of an island of destruction and disaster Alison is content with where she is in life. Joan, “being of colossal strength and ferocity, to whom the law of man and God meant nothing.”(214) Alison mentions how Odysseus wanted to escape the Cyclopes cave. He wanted to do this in order to make it home to his wife. Alison does not want to escape this cyclops because if she did she would be escaping her true happiness. Bechdel used many allusions of the Odyssey as a security blanket. This security blanket helped procreate her memoir. Alison’s had finally come to her clear path and that was for her to have a sexual inversion in a heteronormative
Alison is looking to be trapped on an island but instead of an island of destruction and disaster Alison is content with where she is in life. Joan, “being of colossal strength and ferocity, to whom the law of man and God meant nothing.”(214) Alison mentions how Odysseus wanted to escape the Cyclopes cave. He wanted to do this in order to make it home to his wife. Alison does not want to escape this cyclops because if she did she would be escaping her true happiness. Bechdel used many allusions of the Odyssey as a security blanket. This security blanket helped procreate her memoir. Alison’s had finally come to her clear path and that was for her to have a sexual inversion in a heteronormative