themselves and family what is needed to survive such as food, clothes, water and housing. Many…
In “Alone in a Mountaintop”, an excerpt from Lonesome Traveler (1960), Jack Kerouac describes his journey west as “a fire lookout”.…
Imagine a beautiful island full of kids playing on the beaches, climbing the mountains and hills, building forts in the trees, and building sand castles. Now imagine a war torn island with a bunch of soldiers on the beaches shooting and climbing the mountains to get higher ground and climbing trees to hide and snipe off enemy soldiers and soldiers digging foxholes in the beach. This is what the soldiers saw when battling in island hopping. How did the battles help the allies win the war and advance to japan and help with the carpet bombing of the Japanese cities.…
live on that island with all of the prisoners. They had to also bring all of the…
The movie smoke signals and the literature packet connect in a few different ways. One way is they connect through the four stages of life. The four stages of life are childhood, adolescence,adulthood, and spirituality. In the reading ¨ Alone On The Hilltop¨ the character went through the four stages did just like victor did in the movie ¨Smoke Signals”.…
what I had to in order to survive and maintain, and no one was feeding me or put a roof over my…
There are many things needed to survive. Shelter, food, and water are some examples. Specifically, Timothy from the book The Cay had a plan of survival that was good/smart. While Timothy did not think about the smoke in the signal fire not being very visible, Timothy is correct with his survival plan because he could find clean/fresh water, he built shelter with materials on the island, and he built rescue signs for them to be saved. Another way that Timothy had a good plan is that he also managed to find fresh/clean water.…
Your survival kit must include items to guarantee not only your physical well being but your…
Survival is a key part of life in which humans have been attending to throughout our entire existence. As time progresses, technology and knowledge not only increases but also improves. Eventually, we develop to the point where our educational system has an important and crucial question where the students are asked to compare and contrast a life raft with emergency supplies in it, a moderately sized island, and Earth itself. The three subjects have a number of similarities and differences; however, some are obviously more important than others.…
food, and very little clothing. “And I have nothing to comfort me, nor is there nothing to be…
(Survival) Timothy and Phillip have a few biscuits, keg (holds water), chocolate and matches to survive on the raft but when they get to the island there are coconut trees and a reef. Timothy makes shoes and a blanket made out of coconut leafs for Phillip.…
The Insular Islands were a large group of active volcanic islands that are believed to have existed in the Cretaceous period (145-66 million years ago). They were located somewhere in what is now the modern-day Pacific Ocean. It is thought that they formed at least 210 million years before they met their ultimate fate about 115 million years ago, which will be discussed later.…
It is important for me to bring smoked salmon, a violin, and a smartphone with me on my backpacking trip because these three items are all objects that I have grown up with, enjoyed using, and all properly reflect my culture and…
Fundamental needs are the most urgent. First, one has to find food, water, and shelter in order to stay alive. This was Chuck Noland’s first concern. He set the raft under a tree for a form of shelter. He drank water off of leaves and ate coconuts for food. He also tried to fish with the spear.…
My first item that I would bring me would definitely would be a whole supply of books to read the whole time instead of social media. I think it would be a very good thing for me to go without social media for awhile and learn some new things that I wouldn't have without living off the grid. It would also help me to not being on my phone or Netflix and study more and get better grades. One thing I definitely notice when I'm grounded from Netflix or my phone I have almost a 75% more chance of me actually doing something productive. Bringing my collection of books would I think also give me a chance to go over the ones I call my favorite and realize again why they are my favorites. When I'm just reading a few books…