The story begins when Hansel and Gretel are walking to the forest with their stepmother and their father. They were told to cut wood and make a fire and to wait for them to come back. Hansel and Gretel waited for them the entire night but their father and stepmother never rerun to pick them up.
Hansel who knew they where gonna be abandoned once again in the middle of the forest but this stone even deeper int the forest had prepared breadcrumbs and dipped them on the ground to make a path of their way back to their house.
Hansel consoles his crying sister who is scared and tells her they will find their way back following the crumbs he dropped as they walked into the forest from their house. But they could not find any bread crumbs because the birds in the forest had eaten all the bread crumbs.
This technique I used is Medias Res were the narrative begins in the middle of the story and it leaves the reader wondering what happened before and how things got there. The reader make there own guesses and at the same time is motivated to continue reading to find out more.
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel had just pulled a bone and tricked the witch as she demanded to see his thumb to see if he was getting fat. She claimed that she would kill him and eat him the next day weather he was fat or not. He was terrified "Dear God, do help us" he prayed. With exhaustion, he fell asleep, he started dreaming that he and Gretel were walking back home and in the forest they could see the path of white pebbles he had dropped one at a time the first time they were abandoned in the forest, he told Gretel that those pebbles will lead them home soon. In his dream they continued following the pebbles and finally arrived home where they found his father who was happy to see them since he had been missing them so much. Their father told them their mother had died of hunger. Hansel and Gretel told their father they won't ever be hungry anymore and they emptied their