Justice delivery institutions in most of the developing countries in the world are currently confronted with serious crises, mainly on account of delay in the resolution of the disputes particularly the delay in disposal of the commercial and other civil matters. We must admit that this situation has eroded public trust and public confidence in the justice delivery institutions. It obstructs economic growth, development and social justice to the citizens in a country. The crises therefore, call for an urgent solution. The cause for such backlog of cases is institutional and the delay in disposal of the cases, is due to procedural laws. Administrative institutions have failed to monitor the status, substance and pace of litigation in the courts. The beginning of the modern ADR movement is from United States of America. As Chief Justice Warren Burger of the U.S. Supreme Court once observed on noticing the increase of cases from 2000 to about 5000 in the US Supreme Court between 1963 to 1982 made the following remarks: –
“We are moving towards a time when it will be impossible for the courts to