However, I think when therapists work with clients on improving their behaviors, …show more content…
Therefore, I think it is important for therapists be proactive with figuring out what alternative therapies help them prevent burnout. As it pertains to the various types of alternative therapies therapists utilize, I think a variety of self-care activities can be sufficient with helping therapists reduce burnout. Relevant examples of various self-care activities include: working out, going out to eat with friends, or journaling. In addition, I believe certain therapists also benefit from talking with themselves or their peers about their experiences in this profession. I think doing so provides therapists the opportunity to process their experiences and reactions to their clients. Regardless of the type of alternative therapy therapists decide to indulge in, I think these activities ultimately help rejuvenate therapists. Especially, since it is imperative for therapists to take care of themselves, if they want to help others and encourage them to do the same. In addition, I think it is important for therapists to also set limits and stick to them. Moreover, I think therapists should develop a structure that works best for them. I believe doing so will help ease some of the frustrations