Due to advances in transportation and communication technology, an increase in disposable incomes and leisure times in Western Europe, North America (Choi & Sirakaya, 2006; Hall & Muller, 2005; Momsen, 2005; Mowfort & Munt, 2003; Smith, 2005), North-East and South-East Asia, and the globalization of capitalism (Mowfort & Munt, 2003), the tourism industry has grown to become the fourth largest economic sector globally, with 806 million tourist arrivals and international tourism receipts estimated at US$ 680 billion in 2005 - representing an annual growth rate of 5.5% (WTO, 2006). Hence, tourism constitutes the most important sector of the host countries’ economy in terms of employment and Gross Domestic Product (Weaver, 2006).
Despite some economic benefits from tourism, the tourism industry has had significant impacts on host communities in terms of economic, social, and cultural effects (Weaver, 2006). Furthermore, as numerous studies indicate, tourism activities have also had significant environmental impacts leading to destruction of sensitive ecosystems (Baldwin, 2000; Buchan, 2000), wetland degradation (Baldwin, 2000; Buchan, 2000), depletion of freshwater resources (Buchan, 2000; Conway, 2004), beach erosion (Baldwin, 2000; Buchan, 2000), and coral reef damage (Buchan, 2000). At the same time, tourism is dependent on preserving and maintaining natural and cultural resources, since these constitute the main reason for travelling to exotic destinations (Gunn, 2002).
Alternatives forms of tourism, such as ecotourism, is the most rapidly growing segment of tourism industry. In contrast to mass tourism, alternative tourism is commonly viewed as more sustainable since it operation on a smaller scale and often engages in minimizing, or even confronting social and/or environmental impacts (Weaver, 2006).
Alternative Tourism
Whether for business or for pleasure, international travel has been steadily growing in volume and value
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