B. People always suggest "alternatives" to abortion. I was adopted and I am all for it, but until you have placed a baby for adoption and know first hand how terribly difficult that is, don't suggest it, like it's some easy solution to a very difficult situation.
C. Think about this, what if someday you have a daughter and she gets raped and becomes pregnant as a result of that rape. How would you feel watching her endure that pregnancy and have a constant reminder of what had happened to her? Can you even imagine that? Well, I do have a daughter …show more content…
People always say, "well if you weren't ready to have a baby, you shouldn't have sex" Why is it acceptable for a man who inseminates a woman to be free of responsibility of the conceived child but a women has to then take on sole responsibility or be punished by law if she chooses to terminate?
Here's what I'd like to see:
1. More education on all options. Keeping the baby, adoption, and especially abortion. I think if every woman who went in to have an abortion was required to watch a video on exactly what was going to happen, they may be inclined to choose a different option.
B. If you want to make abortion illegal, then there needs to be a law making the man equally responsible. If he gets to walk away, she should have that same right. (Don't argue that child support is a way of doing this, so many men get away with never paying a dime for their children)
C. If abortion is to be made illegal, I want to see a council of women who have been in those difficult circumstances, one whose been raped and conceived a child as a result, one who has had a baby and placed it for adoption, one whose had an abortion, someone from all of these circumstances to get together and discuss it. Then, if they, who have been through it, decide it should be made a law, then I'll accept it. Until then, I don't think it's anyone else's