Thesis statement: Alzheimer’s disease changed the way my father perceived his world and the way I perceived my father.
I. Introduction and insight of strained relationship with my father
A. Introduction to topic and thesis
B. A strained relationship with my father
II. Definition of Alzheimer’s disease
III. Early Stages
A. Clinical symptoms
1. Confusion
2. Fear and distrust B. My father’s delusions
IV. Middle stage
A. Clinical symptoms
1. Memory loss
2. Severe confusion
3. Language deterioration
4. Uncontrolled bowel and bladder function
5. Severe hallucinations(due to medications)
V. Family Involvement
1. No respite care
2. Shift work
3. Cost to all family members (especially caregivers)
VI. Closure Alzheimer’s disease: A Silent Walk
Alzheimer’s disease is a fairly common diagnosis for the elderly. Most often when an elderly person is experiencing some difficulty with memory or motor function a doctor will usually test them for symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. When my father was tested several years back, there was not much good information on the subject and little more in the way of help for a person that becomes a caregiver of the patient. My family began our own journey down a long road of caring for my father. We could not be prepared for what was to come. Prior to my father’s illness at the age of 65 he was not much of a family guy even though he had been blessed with six children and a loving wife. My father was a real macho kind of guy and he believed the child rearing belonged to the women and not the men. He provided well for our family but chose not to actively participate in our lives, never attending even a school function or a little league baseball game. Needless to say, that this lack of participation did not strengthen our relationship as adult individuals. I was a grown individual with two children of my own before my fathers disease brought him back into my