Case Title
Brief Description
Suggested Use
Case Source
Visioning at Xerox
Xerox creates a new vision
Ch 4:Need for change and visioning
Ivey Business School
Rodale Press
The re-entry of Maria Rodale into Rodale Press
Ch 8: Change leadership, action planning
Darden School, University of Virginia
Asda (A)
Describes the problems facing Asda
Ch 2 & 3: Organizational diagnosis
Harvard Business School
Jazztec Inc
Issues with a strategic alliance
Ch 8: Change agent effectiveness
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University
Self Managed Work Teams at South Australian Ambulance Service
Diagnosing the need for change, introducing self managed teams, action planning & measurement
Ch 4, 8, 9. 10: Organizational diagnosis, action planning, change agent effectiveness, measurement
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University or
The Case of the Unseen Customer
Socio-technical systems change
Ch 2 & 3: Introductory level case on change
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University or
Case of the Amalgamated Laboratory
Merging departments
Ch 9: Action planning
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University
Northwell Inc.
Launching an e-business
Ch 3, 4, 6:The need for change and competitive positioning
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University or
Western Prairie: The Greenfield Start Up
Team dynamics in the middle of change
Ch 6, 7, 8, 9: Organizational diagnosis, action planning & leadership
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University, or
Jessica Casserra’s Taskforce: Hospital Integration in the Region of Erie
Leading a taskforce to integrate medical services
Ch 6, 7: Resistance to change, action planning
Laurier Institute, Wilfrid Laurier University or
Oshawa Industries
Young engineer appointed manager of a poorly performing, small auto parts plant in a larger auto parts firm
Ch 7, 8, 9,