For my Personal Project I wanted to do something with the community that had something dealing with giving. I want collect 500 shirts and pants to donate to the Salvation Army. For me to be able to complete this job I would have to make sure that I stay in contact with the Salvation Army. If you don’t stay in contact they will forget about everything. I’m also going to ask the Wal-Mart on Powder Springs rd. to see if I can use their property so that I can have an event so that I would be in a place where everyone comes so that people know where the place is.
I also have all the information on donating to the Salvation. Why I want to do this is because I love to give to the community because I think it is wonderful to be able to want to give to the other communities. Have also found out that they do different events in the summer for different communities and I can volunteer to be a part of that. They do different events to help the veteran’s .Also in the summer they go around to different communities and go to their pool and give the children a snack bag that is filled with a sandwich, juice, chips, and a side snack. Maybe when I get to the Salvation Army and they see a teenager bringing in all these clothes maybe I could get a good recognized from them, and I can get known for this (said Ms.Manwell).
So for my personal Project I want to donate cloths to the Salvation Army and have like really cool events to bring the community closer together and I want to be able to make sure people remember that is the girl who brought in all those clothes that she donated to us or gave to us. So that is what I want to do for my Personal