1. Introduction
1.1. Case Overview & Background
1.2. Statement of position
2. Case Study Analysis
2.1. Value Chain Analysis
2.2. Resource and Competency Analysis
2.3. VRIN Analysis
2.3.1. Information management
2.3.2. Distribution Management
2.3.3. Technology Development (R&D) and Innovation
2.3.4. Customer Service
2.3.5. Financial Management
2.3.6. Human Resource Management
3. Discussion
3.1. Limitations of Frameworks used
3.2. Results of Analysis
4. Conclusion
5. Bibliography
6. Appendices.
6.1. Appendix A – Porters Value Chain
6.2. Appendix B – Resources & Competencies
6.3. Appendix C - H
6.3.1. Appendix C – VRIN Information Management
6.3.2. Appendix D – VRIN Distribution Management
6.3.3. Appendix E – VRIN Technology & Innovation
6.3.4. Appendix F – VRIN Customer Service
6.3.5. Appendix G – VRIN Financial Management
6.3.6. Appendix H – VRIN Human Resource Management
1. Introduction
1.1 Case Study Overview & Background
Amazon have grown rapidly over the past years, with an average revenue growth rate between
2001 and 2013 of approximately 29% globally and 40% for markets outside of North America
(Stockport, J. G. 2011; Amazon.com Inc. 2013 and 2011). The company willingly sacrificed short-term profitability for their long-term growth strategy; enabling them to offer low prices and outstanding customer service, gradually realising their vision of being ‘the most consumer centric company’ (Amazon.com Inc. 2013: p2). It has achieved this by applying their core capabilities to their four business units, (I) online retail, (II) platform, (III) Amazon Web
Service and (IV) complementary devices, uniquely aligned with three customer groups; (I) consumer customers, (II) seller customers, (III) developer customers, and (IV) with consumer and seller customers (Stockport, J. G. 2011). Amazon applied competitive advantage in each of these business units and consequently achieved massive market-shares and revenue growth.
However, the fast growth slowed
Bibliography: Amazon.com Inc., (2011), Annual report, [online] Amazon.com Inc., Seattle. Available at: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=97664&p=irol-reportsannual [Accessed 26 Oct. Amazon.com Inc., (2013), Annual report, [online] Amazon.com Inc., Seattle. Available at: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=97664&p=irol-reportsannual [Accessed 26 Oct. Bishop, T. (2013). Amazon Fresh launches in L.A., with new $299/year 'Prime Fresh ' membership - GeekWire http://www.geekwire.com/2013/amazon-launches-grocery-delivery-la-299year-prime-freshmembership/ [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014]. Evans, B. (2013). Amazon 's profits. [online] Benedict Evans. Available at: http://benevans.com/benedictevans/2013/8/8/amazons-profits [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014]. Jopson, B. (2014). Amazon shares tumble as losses blow out - FT.com. [online] Financial Times Johnson, G. and Whittington, R. and Scholes, K. (2011a). Strategic Capabilities. In: Johnson, G Johnson, G. and Whittington, R. and Scholes, K. (2011b). Business Strategy. In: Johnson, G. Stockport, J. G. (2011). Amazon.com 2007-early 2009. In: Johnson, G. and Whittington, R. Pages.stern.nyu.edu, (2014). Price Earnings Ratios. [online] Available at: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/pedata.html [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014]. Vasudha, M. and Doris, R. (2013). Amazon in 2013: Online Success. Amity Research Centers Headquarters Bangalore. Ycharts.com, (2014). Amazon.com PE Ratio (TTM) (AMZN). [online] Available at: http://ycharts.com/companies/AMZN/pe_ratio [Accessed 29 Oct